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Conservative plan to not charge inheritance tax on homes worth under1m

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Ask the widows in Iraq, ask the dispossessed of Libya, the raped of Egypt, see what they call him.


About a million are dead due to Blairs actions, as I write this people are drowning in the Mediterranean trying to escape North Africa, all victims of a war Blair, backed by the Labour party, (with noble exceptions) started.


But go ahead, vote for the party that has never once apologized for its murderous actions. After all Cameron went to a posh school and we cant have that can we?


I seem to remember the conservatives voting for it too :huh:


Next you'll be blaming his mum and dad for the holocaust.


When he's charged and tried....then I'll agree....But that's not gonna happen anytime soon...

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I seem to remember the conservatives voting for it too :huh:


Next you'll be blaming his mum and dad for the holocaust.


When he's charged and tried....then I'll agree....But that's not gonna happen anytime soon...


Tony Blair LIED TO THE HOUSE. I don't understand why people like you cant grasp this fact? Remember the dodgy dossier and the 45 minutes from destruction headlines? The ONLY people privy to the actual intelligence information was TB and his cabinet, not all MP's!

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Tony Blair LIED TO THE HOUSE. I don't understand why people like you cant grasp this fact? Remember the dodgy dossier and the 45 minutes from destruction headlines? The ONLY people privy to the actual intelligence information was TB and his cabinet, not all MP's!


So why hasn't he been charged with some offence?....

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So why hasn't he been charged with some offence?....


You make it sound easy. TB is still part of the establishment. He has friends in high places. It takes time for these friends to vacate their positions and stop protecting him. Its happening slowly though. Look at Boris Johnson's comments recently calling TB an eel and saying he is trying to rewrite history. Opinion is turning and his friends are diminishing.

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I'm sorry but that makes no sense to me whatsoever.


I repeat again if your motivation is to see an increase in your inheritance then you will have more than likely benefitted from Labours time in office and considerably more than the coalitions time.


Nothing to do with downsizing, you inherit an amount of money for you to do with what you like.


---------- Post added 14-04-2015 at 17:37 ----------



Mainly because it's true and unfortunately on this forum you need to spend time educating people on this fact.


Out of interest is anything I said incorrect?


---------- Post added 14-04-2015 at 17:39 ----------



Unfortunately this is true, Labour created the wealth and if elected the Tories will give it to the better off.


Let's hope they don't get elected then.


I have no wish to be insulting but your rationale actually defies logical debate.


Labour bankrupted the country. No Labour government has ever left power with the economy in a better condition that they found it in.


Please do not do your usual request of asking me to substantiate the above statements, if you disagree state why.

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You make it sound easy. TB is still part of the establishment. He has friends in high places. It takes time for these friends to vacate their positions and stop protecting him. Its happening slowly though. Look at Boris Johnson's comments recently calling TB an eel and saying he is trying to rewrite history. Opinion is turning and his friends are diminishing.


If he's as guilty as you say, then yes it's easy....He's currently a Middle East Envoy....How did he wangle that one?


Anyway...this is all academic and completely off topic...I'll happily debate the rights and wrongs of it with you on another thread...But I suspect it's all been done to death on here previously.


---------- Post added 15-04-2015 at 13:22 ----------


Don't know the answer to that one but even some of Blair's cabinet were less then impressed




Oh god...Claire Short...Of course whatever she say's 'must' be true..:suspect:

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I seem to remember the conservatives voting for it too :huh:


Next you'll be blaming his mum and dad for the holocaust.


When he's charged and tried....then I'll agree....But that's not gonna happen anytime soon...


They did indeed, when a British PM stands before the house and recommends war he is entitled to be believed. such a statement transcends politics and becomes a matter of national unity and purpose.


No British PM has ever taken this country to war based on lies, until Blair.


Do not demean this discussion with trite comments as "I will be blaming his mum and dad for the holocaust. "


His arrest may not be as far off as you think, the reports publication on his actions is not to be published until after the election. This due to Blairs lawyers prevaricating and delaying. By the end of this year we may well see action taken against him and those within his party, particularly Brown, Straw, Balls, Harman and others who must have been in the know.

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If he's as guilty as you say, then yes it's easy....He's currently a Middle East Envoy....How did he wangle that one?


Anyway...this is all academic and completely off topic...I'll happily debate the rights and wrongs of it with you on another thread...But I suspect it's all been done to death on here previously.


---------- Post added 15-04-2015 at 13:22 ----------



Oh god...Claire Short...Of course whatever she say's 'must' be true..:suspect:


So Blair isn't a liar but Short is?


---------- Post added 15-04-2015 at 13:27 ----------


Maybe because the main witness, Dr. David Kelly, is no longer with us...


Yep,what a coincidence that was eh?

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