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They did indeed, when a British PM stands before the house and recommends war he is entitled to be believed. such a statement transcends politics and becomes a matter of national unity and purpose.


No British PM has ever taken this country to war based on lies, until Blair.


Do not demean this discussion with trite comments as "I will be blaming his mum and dad for the holocaust. "


His arrest may not be as far off as you think, the reports publication on his actions is not to be published until after the election. This due to Blairs lawyers prevaricating and delaying. By the end of this year we may well see action taken against him and those within his party, particularly Brown, Straw, Balls, Harman and others who must have been in the know.


I have no love or anything else for TB...But I do object to the label 'war criminal' being applied, when he's not been charged with anything (as yet)...When he has, and been found guilty, then you can call him a war criminal, but until then don't.

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If he's as guilty as you say, then yes it's easy....He's currently a Middle East Envoy....How did he wangle that one?


Anyway...this is all academic and completely off topic...I'll happily debate the rights and wrongs of it with you on another thread...But I suspect it's all been done to death on here previously.


---------- Post added 15-04-2015 at 13:22 ----------



Oh god...Claire Short...Of course whatever she say's 'must' be true..:suspect:


There you are again, any person who stood up and was counted, who took the honorable course and refused to follow like sheep is denigrated, Robyn Cooke was another no doubt you think he acted selfishly giving up a job he loved and his ministerial job and perks.


These two ministers knew what was going on and acted honorably as did many Labour back benchers.


The Tories, conned as they were, did show more solid support.


All were victims of the man you support, who with Bush deserves to stand in the same tribunal as Pol Pot, Milosevitch and the rest of the criminals who have slaughtered their fellow human beings in the late 20th century.


---------- Post added 15-04-2015 at 13:34 ----------


I have no love or anything else for TB...But I do object to the label 'war criminal' being applied, when he's not been charged with anything (as yet)...When he has, and been found guilty, then you can call him a war criminal, but until then don't.


I am a free man and I will call it as I and millions of others see it.


Blair is responsible directly for the deaths of over a million people in the middle east. People are dying today that would not be dying had he not lied through his teeth in an effort to personally profit.


I say he IS a war criminal and those that support him are no better, in the same way that anyone who supported Hitler is culpable.

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Maybe because the main witness, Dr. David Kelly, is no longer with us...


Poor guy, fell on a knife repeatedly. Robyn Cooke another opponent, fell off a mountain and Mo Mowlam who opposed Blairs wars died after a fall too. There is something very fishy going on and I don't mean the contents of Baldrick's Apple Crumble.

Edited by Berberis
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There you are again, any person who stood up and was counted, who took the honorable course and refused to follow like sheep is denigrated, Robyn Cooke was another no doubt you think he acted selfishly giving up a job he loved and his ministerial job and perks.


These two ministers knew what was going on and acted honorably as did many Labour back benchers.


The Tories, conned as they were, did show more solid support.


All were victims of the man you support, who with Bush deserves to stand in the same tribunal as Pol Pot, Milosevitch and the rest of the criminals who have slaughtered their fellow human beings in the late 20th century.


I just said in my previous post, I have no feelings one way or another for TB...I just have strong objections to him (or anyone else) being found guilty by you and others on here, as a 'war criminal'....That's my objection....

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I just said in my previous post, I have no feelings one way or another for TB...I just have strong objections to him (or anyone else) being found guilty by you and others on here, as a 'war criminal'....That's my objection....


You are protecting him by disputing claims that he lied. Would you be happier with TB being called an "alleged" War criminal who is yet to face his accusers in court?

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You are protecting him by disputing claims that he lied. Would you be happier with TB being called an "alleged" War criminal who is yet to face his accusers in court?


I'm not protecting him or disputing that he probably lied....All I'm saying is don't call him a war criminal until that's what he's been found guilty of...It's not a difficult concept!

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I'm not protecting him or disputing that he probably lied....All I'm saying is don't call him a war criminal until that's what he's been found guilty of...It's not a difficult concept!


Would you be happier with TB being called an "alleged" War criminal who is yet to face his accusers in court?

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They did indeed, when a British PM stands before the house and recommends war he is entitled to be believed. such a statement transcends politics and becomes a matter of national unity and purpose.


No British PM has ever taken this country to war based on lies, until Blair.


Do not demean this discussion with trite comments as "I will be blaming his mum and dad for the holocaust. "


His arrest may not be as far off as you think, the reports publication on his actions is not to be published until after the election. This due to Blairs lawyers prevaricating and delaying. By the end of this year we may well see action taken against him and those within his party, particularly Brown, Straw, Balls, Harman and others who must have been in the know.


Saddam's top military adviser says Iraqi WMD's were moved to Syria, and there are also reports that ISIS now has them.

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Would you be happier with TB being called an "alleged" War criminal who is yet to face his accusers in court?


No not really....if it's a forum armchair warrior, then no.


You're still using the phrase...and I'm sorry whether you like it or not and regardless of yours or anyone else's opinion on here...He's NOT a war criminal....YET


---------- Post added 15-04-2015 at 13:53 ----------


Saddam's top military adviser says Iraqi WMD's were moved to Syria, and there are also reports that ISIS now has them.


That wouldn't surprise me in the least...:(

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Don't know the answer to that one but even some of Blair's cabinet were less then impressed




Not forgetting Robin Cook who resigned from the Cabinet on the eve of war - he had the deceny, integrity and honour that a fairly large number of them were lacking at the time from all sides of the House.

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