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Conservative plan to not charge inheritance tax on homes worth under1m

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You do know the idea is for people who's home is worth under £1 million not to pay tax! Also, of all my elderly relatives and and the relatives of my friends that I know, I only know one who is in a full time care home. So I'm not sure that it is all that common.


---------- Post added 12-04-2015 at 18:47 ----------



Why wouldn't it benefit someone here in Sheffield?


Which most people already don't pay tax on. If your home is worth less than £325,000 you are already are exempt from inheritance tax. This just means that those with properties worth £325,000 to £1,000,000 wont pay tax.


And to pay for this he'll cut benefits and slash more public services.

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I agree entirely, and it just riles me to think that they think people are so blind that they won't see that this promise actually means nothing....


Even if you have a home worth 1 million or less...The chances are, that one or the other partner will die first...(they won't die on the same day)...and someone will have to look after them...So the council will force them to sell it, to pay for their care....


There was a time when family looked after their elderly, in fact some still do, so they will have no need of a care home and the council won't force them to do anything, and after years of caring for their elderly relative they will inherit the house and have no tax to pay on the proceeds, this is a good policy.

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You do know the idea is for people who's home is worth under £1 million not to pay tax! Also, of all my elderly relatives and and the relatives of my friends that I know, I only know one who is in a full time care home. So I'm not sure that it is all that common.


---------- Post added 12-04-2015 at 18:47 ----------



Why wouldn't it benefit someone here in Sheffield?


Where did I say homes over one million?....I know perfectly well it's those under....


Oooops....I just noticed the thread title...it should have read 'under'...Sorry...(I'll change it)


But the plan is to change it...in stages...and for a couple, it's homes worth less than 1 million....Will they die on the same day?....Otherwise it less...

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as I said earlier, but no, lets use misinformation for a bit of tory bashing


Why dont the nasty party come clean and tell us which part of the society they are going to attack when they cut another 12M from the benefits bill?


They put so much detail into this but they wont say which groups they intend to target


The Tory party is for those who are "i'm alright jack" and sod those in society who are easily targeted

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Why dont the nasty party come clean and tell us which part of the society they are going to attack when they cut another 12M from the benefits bill?


They put so much detail into this but they wont say which groups they intend to target


The Tory party is for those who are "i'm alright jack" and sod those in society who are easily targeted


and the labour party plans are ?

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It's nice to see the Tories getting their priorities right. Own a £1m house and they'll cut your inheritance tax. Live in council house with a "spare" room and they'll hit you with bedroom tax.


Shocking isnt it and they say "we are all in this together"

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Costed and publicised.....unlike the Tories who just pulled £8.5billion out of their backsides for the NHS whilst telling us we've been broke for the past 5 years.


Osborne claims it will come from a growing economy and couldnt say any more then that.


utter tripe. I just hope people are not fooled by this rubbish.

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