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Conservative plan to not charge inheritance tax on homes worth under1m

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Its a significantly small group,didn't you know?:D
I must confess I didn't, but it's pretty much moot in any case, as this document will show quite nicely that this is a cheap promise for Cameron to make, applying to ever less people as time goes on:

Number of taxpaying estates and tax due


Using the year of death data, the patterns seen in the cash receipts are also evident in the numbers of taxpaying estates left on death by estate size, and in the tax due for these estates (Table 12.3). Figure 8 shows that the number of taxpaying estates under £300,000 has fallen to zero as threshold increases have taken all estates below this level out of tax. There are also large falls in the number of taxpaying estates left on death in the £300,000 to £500,000 size band between 2007-08 and 2008-09. As discussed earlier, this is largely due to the introduction of the transferable nil rate band (as well as to inflation-linked threshold increases). In both 2006-07 and 2007-08 the median taxpayer was in the £300,000 to £500,000 band, but in all subsequent years the median taxpayer has been in the £500,000 to £1,000,000 band.




There are similar trends in the amount of tax due by estate value band, as can be seen in Figure 8. In 2006-07, 51% of all IHT due was for estates with a net value below £1 million. In 2011-12, only 31% of IHT due was for estates in bands below £1million. This represents an ongoing year-on-year trend.

Much ado about nothing, like most election promises and headlines, then :) Edited by L00b
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If they end up in coalition with the Conservatives I think we can guarantee a referendum, then its down to everyone if we stay in or leave.


Whats going to stop you floating, because your posts suggest that you don't trust anything any of them say?


This recent situation with the none prosecution of Lord Janner might be the last straw for me. If ever evidence of corruption at the heart of government was needed this is it.


What with the ongoing expenses scandals, openly lying to the electorate, secret courts, and the lengths they will go to to silence criticsm such as Leverson and this recent debacle with journalists just doing their jobs, the total contempt these politicians have for the electorate knows no bounds.


Well now my contempt for politicians matches it. Why should I vote for any of them?


I'm not saying all politicians are paedophiles of course, but I believe all politicians, bar a handful, have conspired to help cover it up. When they start to think that they are above the law of the land, I refuse to support them, or rather, a system that puts them, and keeps them, in power.


We, the electorate, seem to be simply a convenient route onto an ever burgeoning gravy train, which is growing exponentially even in times of austerity, foisting layer upon layer of bureocracy and legislators upon us. I no longer have any respect for them or their legislation.


I will not be voting.

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This recent situation with the none prosecution of Lord Janner might be the last straw for me. If ever evidence of corruption at the heart of government was needed this is it.


What with the ongoing expenses scandals, openly lying to the electorate, secret courts, and the lengths they will go to to silence criticsm such as Leverson and this recent debacle with journalists just doing their jobs, the total contempt these politicians have for the electorate knows no bounds.


Well now my contempt for politicians matches it. Why should I vote for any of them?


I'm not saying all politicians are paedophiles of course, but I believe all politicians, bar a handful, have conspired to help cover it up. When they start to think that they are above the law of the land, I refuse to support them, or rather, a system that puts them, and keeps them, in power.


We, the electorate, seem to be simply a convenient route onto an ever burgeoning gravy train, which is growing exponentially even in times of austerity, foisting layer upon layer of bureocracy and legislators upon us. I no longer have any respect for them or their legislation.


I will not be voting.


I understand your decision but unfortunately things will never change by doing this.

At the last election I believed the Lib/Dems could change things if they had won as it seemed did many others who told me they were going to vote for them. Sadly some of those people plus I presume thousands of others decided to vote in their traditional way because they decided a vote for any party except the main two was a vote wasted.

I would urge you to reconsider and at least attempt to change the things you feel so passionately about.

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I understand your decision but unfortunately things will never change by doing this.

At the last election I believed the Lib/Dems could change things if they had won as it seemed did many others who told me they were going to vote for them. Sadly some of those people plus I presume thousands of others decided to vote in their traditional way because they decided a vote for any party except the main two was a vote wasted.

I would urge you to reconsider and at least attempt to change the things you feel so passionately about.


When the politicians hold all the cards, how can you change anything - particularly a system which favours those same self serving politicians?


They aren't going to change - why should they - when they can get away with anything.

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This recent situation with the none prosecution of Lord Janner might be the last straw for me. If ever evidence of corruption at the heart of government was needed this is it.


What with the ongoing expenses scandals, openly lying to the electorate, secret courts, and the lengths they will go to to silence criticsm such as Leverson and this recent debacle with journalists just doing their jobs, the total contempt these politicians have for the electorate knows no bounds.


Well now my contempt for politicians matches it. Why should I vote for any of them?


I'm not saying all politicians are paedophiles of course, but I believe all politicians, bar a handful, have conspired to help cover it up. When they start to think that they are above the law of the land, I refuse to support them, or rather, a system that puts them, and keeps them, in power.


We, the electorate, seem to be simply a convenient route onto an ever burgeoning gravy train, which is growing exponentially even in times of austerity, foisting layer upon layer of bureocracy and legislators upon us. I no longer have any respect for them or their legislation.


I will not be voting.


Because some of the parties haven't been part of the system, if you don't like the current crop, vote for a party that as never had power.

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When the politicians hold all the cards, how can you change anything - particularly a system which favours those same self serving politicians?


They aren't going to change - why should they - when they can get away with anything.


As Loraward states in post 196 maybe a party that has not been part of the system may be able to change things as you wish.

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