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Bit of a dilemma..Any advice?


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I don't have a pet, as I live in a rented house where pets are not allowed...However...my next door neighbour (who it has to be said is a bit of a rogue, and not adverse to violence) has recently erected a 'animal type shed' in the bottom of his garden...Last Thursday he turned up with a dog, which is a bit of a shaggy non-descript type dog, but quite big.


The dog sleeps in the shed 24/7...As far as I can tell gets fed just once a day with dried food....It's never let out of the shed...It never gets any affection...Never walked...It's relatively well behaved and doesn't bark or whine...So isn't really a nuisance issue....But it really pains me to see it penned up 24/7....Mostly it sleeps in the bit out of sight...and rarely goes into the open part of the shed....


I don't really know how to approach it....If I report it, he will know it's me...and there's a chance my car will be damaged or worse....


It's a waste of time confronting him, as I value my face....


Any clues?

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Personally I would have to do something because that is not fair on the dog and is a terrible life for it, which I couldn't forgive myself for ignoring....however I completely understand the concerns you have, and I genuinely don't know if the RSPCA would be interested seen as the dog has food and shelter.


It may be worth you doing some research on anyone else who could approach this situation to prevent yourself/your propert from being in the firing line.


Poor poor dog, I'll be thinking about that all night now ?

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I can understand your dilemma Pete. If this was me I would feel a similar way. It`s relatively early days yet, and things could change, hopefully for the better. I would be inclined to see what happens, but if the dog is suffering, the longer it goes on the more the dog will suffer of course.

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Personally I would have to do something because that is not fair on the dog and is a terrible life for it, which I couldn't forgive myself for ignoring....however I completely understand the concerns you have, and I genuinely don't know if the RSPCA would be interested seen as the dog has food and shelter.


It may be worth you doing some research on anyone else who could approach this situation to prevent yourself/your propert from being in the firing line.


Poor poor dog, I'll be thinking about that all night now


I really can't stand cruelty...Ok, maybe it not cruel perse...But it's definitely not acceptable in my view....Also, I don't really understand the dog's demeanor...it's quiet as a mouse....Subdued...Definitely not the right weight for it's size...and only gets a small amount of food per day....It rarely comes into the daylight, and chooses to sleep in the 'dark' side of the pen....

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RSPCA wont do anything I'm sorry to say, as long as the dog has food, water and adequate shelter though no harm in trying I suppose.

Maybe the kindest thing that you could do would be to tell the LandLord so that he has to re-home the dog then try to influence them to take it to a shelter...or make it disappear though I could never advocate such a thing obviously, the dog sounds ill or scared!

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The RSCPA can only do anything if the law is being broken and the law only covers the very basics like shelter, food and water.


So as long as the dog has these, which it sounds like it does, there's little they can legally do. They may be able to have talk to the owner and offer some advice and support which might help but that's all they'll be able to do (and that's not their fault, they're bound by the law).


It sounds like the dog is frightened (god knows the poor thing may have come from somewhere worse than where it is now) so maybe the person is just taking things slowly with it? Wishful thinking I know....

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The RSCPA can only do anything if the law is being broken and the law only covers the very basics like shelter, food and water.


So as long as the dog has these, which it sounds like it does, there's little they can legally do. They may be able to have talk to the owner and offer some advice and support which might help but that's all they'll be able to do (and that's not their fault, they're bound by the law).


It sounds like the dog is frightened (god knows the poor thing may have come from somewhere worse than where it is now) so maybe the person is just taking things slowly with it? Wishful thinking I know....


I don't actually think that the dog has been rescued from a worse environment, although I can't say for certain...But the guy doesn't seem to me to be 'Mr Whiter than White'...on past form.


Someone earlier said perhaps the dog might actually be liberated (although nobody would condone such an action)...But I'm not sure where it might be liberated to....I certainly couldn't have him, and I know of nobody who would...


It's a real shame that the RSPCA can't actually do anything...Only offer advice...It's a crazy situation, and I assure you I'm not simply mischief making....the situation genuinely concerns me.

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