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Bread an Jam Murder

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Any one know about a homicide that took place in Pitsmoor, I think the Marcus Street área, in 1957. It involved a man coming home and the kids in the house were eating bread and jam. The man was 68 at the time and inquiring as to why they were eating such, was told by wife or daughter that was all they could afford. Having a fit of rage he strangled the lady.There was very Little publicity as at the time there was a newspaper strike. so the Star and Telegraph were not published. (no Radio Sheffield etc then) When the media retumed they named the incident the 'Bread and Jam Murder'

Edited by stpetre
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A little google search revealed the following, here’s a link.




Thanks Mr. Mrs. or Ms D. I got the year wrong and I was intrigued as of to first

hearing of the event (this year). I come from the other side of Pitsmoor from there. I was at Burngreave school at the time and as most of my class were from that area, but I don't recall it at all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi,just logged on to your enquiry and its possible that we know each other.

We used to live on the Foxhill Estate and last met in the 1950's.when you visited us.My brother Ian & I often wondered how you were getting on.If you are the same Petre please get in touch.


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Hi,just logged on to your enquiry and its possible that we know each other.

We used to live on the Foxhill Estate and last met in the 1950's.when you visited us.My brother Ian & I often wondered how you were getting on.If you are the same Petre please get in touch.



Stpetre is my sign on name and the street I lived on as a kid!

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Thanks Mr. Mrs. or Ms D. I got the year wrong and I was intrigued as of to first

hearing of the event (this year). I come from the other side of Pitsmoor from there. I was at Burngreave school at the time and as most of my class were from that area, but I don't recall it at all.


Yet another interesting story from Mr Chris Hobbs he never ceases to amaze me with his stories of the past

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