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Gold fish to offer? *sorted*


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Does anyone have any goldfish they no longer have the time for to give to me for my grandchildren please?

I thought that i would ask here first.

We have one already in a fair sized tank but hes all alone with his bridge, shipwreck and seahorse ornaments poor thing.

I can collect x

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Angel is right about the tank size. I'm not sure what your other fish are but goldfish and Koi are essentially pond fish and need lots of water and care.


Here is a website dedicated to goldfish care, it explains on there that common goldfish need approximately 120+ litres to start and an extra 30/40 for each additional fish -




When it comes to animals, everyone is just wanting the best for the animals welfare and no one is out to attack anyone. Please just accept this as advice, not an attack or anything of that nature, and take some time to learn about proper goldfish care. In the right conditions and with proper care, they can grow to be beautiful and majestic fish.

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I have 2 tiny inch long coldwater fish in a tank, surely they don't need 140 litres of water.


It depends what kind of fish you have. If you have goldfish then yes, when they're bigger they will need around 140 litres as a minimum.


Thanks Notreve :)

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