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Extension of Right To Buy Scheme

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A word of warning to people thinking of RTB whether council or housing Association. :suspect:

Many councils are charging up to £14k service charges which have put future BTL tenants off.


Can you give details of a council doing that?


Council service charges have to be reasonable and clearly laid out before purchase of the leasehold. There is also a Leasehold Valuation Tribunal that can be used to determine whether the charges are fair.

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This right-to-buy scheme is a great idea!


Why don't we extend it to privately-renting tenants too?


They have just as much right to own their home as council and housing association tenants do.

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This right-to-buy scheme is a great idea!


Why don't we extend it to privately-renting tenants too?


They have just as much right to own their home as council and housing association tenants do.


And if a Conservative Government can force not for profit companies to sell their housing stock, even if it means they risk bankruptcy, can a future Government of a different political stripe force private for-profit companies to sell off their assets?

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Doesn't look legal after all.


Basically some housing associations are private not for profit businesses while others are charities. The government can't compel a private business or a charity to dispose of its assets at much less than market value. If the businesses or charities lose their assets they become unviable. The policy places the whole HA sector at risk.


It won't happen. It's madness.

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Can you give details of a council doing that?


Yes, I know of two people in different boroughs in London who have suffered the same problem, it's standard for London. How many 2 bedroom flats cost £500k in Sheffield? Private contractors don't come cheap in London.


They wish they never bought on a council estate. They would have been far better buying a leasehold flat in a two story house, then they would only have a roof to worry about.

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The government can't compel a private business or a charity to dispose of its assets at much less than market value. If the businesses or charities lose their assets they become unviable. The policy places the whole HA sector at risk.


Like the Tories give a damn?!

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It'll need radical changes to the law. They won't get them through. Not a chance.


So this is just Cameron's version of Cleggy's "No Tuition Fees" promise?


Sadly, your plea will fall on deaf ears.


I expect all of England's HA tenants will be wearing blue rosettes on election day!

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