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REFLECTIVE VS ECKO friday at plug ur reviews plz

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well whata night this was- we arrived at half 10 and was there till half 5- my FEET!!! good to see some of the old crew there!! was some good tunes being dished as well- if anyone wus there i was the lass with the white cropped trew and sparkly pink top hahaha!!! ill get me pics scanned on tmoz so u can all see em if u want.


so let me know what u thought of it.


ps there was no trouble from what i saw unless u count that skitzo curly haired fat brunette lass trying to punch random ppl on dancefloor silly t*t

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haha yes was a top night, glad u enjoyed it, it seemed that everyone there did :thumbsup:


if i wasn't so wasted then i would have appreciated it a lot more :D but i had a wicked time. Can't wait for the next one.


Is it the 28th??? thats the last fri this month.:)

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