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Chldren addicted to internet porn

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Ok now for a non PC answer, sex is the reason we are here. Ok granted children shouldn't be turned into porn fans but should be talked about the facts of life.


I cannot think any parent would wish their child to remain entirely ignorant of the facts of life, but that is not what this thread is about. Talking to your children about sex and relationships (in an age-appropriate way) is nothing to do with making them addicted to pornography. All that is learnt form porn is that some, more powerful people abuse other, more vulnerable people.


Nor is it anything to do with being politically correct. You seem confused.

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When I was a kid we would look at page 3 and pass playboy about at school. The 2015 equivalent is the internet.


---------- Post added 19-04-2015 at 00:42 ----------


Side note: More women watch porn than men ( 2015) Times are changing.

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Ok now for a non PC answer, sex is the reason we are here. Ok granted children shouldn't be turned into porn fans but should be talked about the facts of life.


This is entirely unrelated to porn though. Porn is not about reproduction.


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 08:52 ----------



Furthermore, I include freedom of speech. Ultimately, there is a line beyond which we can not go. Try discussing race or using a certain word beginning with the 13th letter of the alphabet.


Even now I have to 'cover' myself.


Offensive and not acceptable ergo not allowed ergo censored.


The real world.


There's a name for it.


There was a long thread recently discussing race and one particular word that was used in the context of the discussion multiple times.

You can also have such discussions in the pub with your friends if you wish.

Talking about race or words that are pejorative or offensive is not censored, nor should it be. QED not censored.

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Obviously because as a nation we've failed to control underage drinking, smoking and drug use we'll concentrate on online porn.


Give it a rest, someone in the family has to be the adult surely.


You missed one.


As a nation we've failed to control underage drinking, smoking, drug and sex.

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I firmly believe that there should be no censorship od the internet, and that the government should have no control over what information we all wish to be able to share. We should all be free to view whatever is on it, whenever we want.


Have you thought about what you just said?


Child pornography shouldn't be censored then? If you can find it, there should be no attempt by the authorities to block it from view? Or indeed to get it removed and to prosecute whoever was sharing that information?

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Have you thought about what you just said?


Child pornography shouldn't be censored then? If you can find it, there should be no attempt by the authorities to block it from view? Or indeed to get it removed and to prosecute whoever was sharing that information?


I suggest you read my post again. I did say that posters of such material should be prosecuted.


I also think that as it is impossible to do anything on the net from a source that is totally untraceable we could prosecute the posters of child porn far more aggressively.


I do think that there are only 2 choices we either allow any censorship or we allow none. Foe me no censorship is the only acceptable choice.


Its up to parents and society through prosecution to teach people that watching child porn is unacceptable. Most people are by now aware that if you go to any web-site there is always someone that could name you.


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Tommo, I agree with much of what you say (parents have to be more responsible here), but I have to admit I gave up on reading your introductory post. Have you any idea how impossible it is to make coherent sense of so many one-line paragraphs?



Does it help if you squash it up into a newspaper style column?

Big article in a paper on Saturday about a 10 year old that is allegedly afficted to internet porn. Not the first of this type of sex, internet and control articles seen over the last year or so.


The paper went on to condemn the government for not imposing stricter controls over the available content of the internet.


After the initial knee-jerk reaction one has to think about the implications.


I firmly believe that there should be no censorship od the internet, and that the government should have no control over what information we all wish to be able to share. We should all be free to view whatever is on it, whenever we want.


We should not allow the media to use the sensationalising of stories to fool us into demanding that the governement censors our internet content. Talk about a potential self inflicted injury.


I am not saying that there is some content that those that posted it should not be condemned or even prosecuted for; child porn is the best example of that.


What should be happening is a review of how we use and abuse the internet, to be specific how we let children use it.


The mother in the article I read on saturday was making lots of complaints and accusations because of her son's alleged addiction.


I firmly believe that (whether she accepts it or not) that her complaints are cover her failings as a mother.


I don't say this often but that child should be taken into care. His parents have at their own admission allowed their child to spend that much time unsupervised on the internet that he could become addicted to porn.


There are parents that let children have unsupervised access to the internet what they don't realise that this access can be through computers, laptops and tablets, what some of them dont know is that internet access is possible via mobile phones.


Allowing a child to use a computer in a family room where adults can monitor the screen at a glance can be a powerful learning tool.


Allowing a child any form of unsupervised internet access is the act of an irresponsible parent.


Why anyone would let a child have a mobile phone is beyond me we cetainly did not need them as children we'd have loved them but we did not need them.


If you do have some self-delusional reason for your child to have a mobile phone in some circumstances then get one that can only ring or text and ensure you have the password. When the phone isn't needed take it off them.


Look out of your window early evening or weekend day time kow many children are there out playing? The kids are on the net, plating computer games or even learnng stuff.. you hope. This mania for texting, messaging, selfies, sharing photos etc is caused by unfit parents lacking the ability to protect their children by exercising control.


Put your child in the garden with a stick wuld they play with it? Would they know what it was?


Don't fall into the trap of begging the state to take control of waht we can all see or do on the internet.


Protect your child by taking responsiblity in short try being a parent.


Lots of people will not agree with this post I suggest they lack the will to show their children that they care.


Edited by esme
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I suggest you read my post again. I did say that posters of such material should be prosecuted.


I also think that as it is impossible to do anything on the net from a source that is totally untraceable we could prosecute the posters of child porn far more aggressively.


I do think that there are only 2 choices we either allow any censorship or we allow none. Foe me no censorship is the only acceptable choice.


Its up to parents and society through prosecution to teach people that watching child porn is unacceptable. Most people are by now aware that if you go to any web-site there is always someone that could name you.



Your opinion makes no sense. You say that society should prosecute people who publish child porn, but that no censorship should exist.

What do you think prosecution (and the removal of the published material) is, if not censorship?

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