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Do you think people with mental illnesses should wear wristbands

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I saw this and couldn't see all the fuss over it. The suggestion was that people with serious mental health problems could wear a bracelet identifying their problem in case they were taken ill and were unable to tell the Dr.


I've had bi-polar since I was in my teens. In my wallet I carry a piece of paper with my name, my address, a contact number for my partner and a list with the names and doses of the various medications I take. In the event of me having an accident (get hit by a bus, car crash etc.) the hospital can immediately contact my partner and can use drugs that won't react with those already in my system.


At no point did this lady insist that it should be compulsory. If she had then I can completely understand why people would hot under the collar about it. As it is, it seems no different to wearing a medic alert bracelet listing any allergies you have as well as if you're diabetic or epileptic.


It's merely a way to signify to medical practitioners, in case of an emergency, that ou already have medical conditions and that they may be the reason as to your current plight.


Any information is good information.

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As someone with very close experience of autism I think there are plenty of situations where it would be an excellent idea. I have been astounded by the rudeness/misunderstanding/insulting of an autistic person, I think you have to be really close to notice it, but once you notice it, it is everywhere.


Maybe we could supply the rude and insulting with bands so the autistic or anyone with a disability can avoid them.


Wearing a band or not won't protect you from pig ignorance.

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This is such a weird idea, I've no idea what the thinking behind it is, or how it could possibly help.


"A Conservative parliamentary candidate has told a meeting that people with mental illnesses could wear wristbands to help identify their condition.

She then said suggested a different coloured wristband for each mental health condition for those who are unable to communicate their conditions".



People with mental health conditions that I've met are more than capable of articulating their condition, and would be able to shoot down in flames the idea of having people with mental health conditions wearing different coloured wrist bands for different 'illnesses'.

Does anyone else think this is a stupid idea?


Perhaps they took Arrested Development too seriously? (the TV show)

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Personally, I think the suggestion has been taken out of context, she wasn't saying people would have to wear them, just that they could wear them.

You can already buy stainless steel medical bracelets with information about your mental illness so it's not a new idea. I think the new idea is the colour coding part, which don't think is a good idea to be honest.

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Personally, I think the suggestion has been taken out of context, she wasn't saying people would have to wear them, just that they could wear them.

You can already buy stainless steel medical bracelets with information about your mental illness so it's not a new idea. I think the new idea is the colour coding part, which don't think is a good idea to be honest.


I totally agree with you. If you need a MEDICAL practictioner to know something about you to assist with medical treatment should you not be in a position to tell them for whatever reason, then medical bracelets already exist for the job. Wearing a coloured band to say what your medical condition is would surely be horrendously intrusive. Can you imagine strangers coming over to you and starting a conversation saying 'so you've got depression then have you love? you've got a pink bracelet on'...

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I think that the comment was taken out of context too. She didn't put this out as an aim or a request, it was an answer to a question of how one could better provide support for those unable to verbalise their issues. In such circumstances I know lots of people who have an information card about their condition to hand to people, or a Medic Alert bracelet or similar, and nobody thinks that these are harmful to the person who has them. The suggestion was that they COULD wear a bracelet if they chose, not that we WOULD put a bracelet on them whether they wanted one or not.

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