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3 burnt out cars in Concord Park

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There has been 3 in the last 2 weeks it just gets worse round here, not to mention the vandalism in the park, read on a notice board up there that there had been £10,000 of damage since January!!! Why do these thugs do this, they spoil it for the rest of us, they can't leave anything alone can they, makes me so mad!! :rant:

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I went in concorde park as a child 50 years ago,it was fantastic,with wonderfull flower beds,putting green,swings and the lovely woods with blue bells,the bowling greens were nice,also firthpark was nice and the boating lake for small boats,sounds like its

terrible now,but times have changed some for the better,but some it appears for the worst in this case

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I went in concorde park as a child 50 years ago,it was fantastic,with wonderfull flower beds,putting green,swings and the lovely woods with blue bells,the bowling greens were nice,also firthpark was nice and the boating lake for small boats,sounds like its

terrible now,but times have changed some for the better,but some it appears for the worst in this case


I used to live just across the road from Concord Park ( over 50 years ago ) and as well as all the above, I can remember the giant chess board, tennis courts and golf course. It really was a lovely park ( as were most of the parks in Sheffield ) and the park keepers took a real pride in their work.

Nowadays it's a different story with yobbos hell bent on ruining other people's pleasures........ and their excuse is that they are bored and have no money !!

It really makes my blood boil.:twisted:

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No money to maintain the parks and the police can't sort out the yobbo's, so it's not surprising that nice places decline.


I don't blame either tho, cuts to front line staff come from the top, as should the directions for justice to criminals that want to ruin things for everyone else.

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They really try to make it nice, planting flowers and new trees, tennis courts still there and basketball court. There is a group called Friends of Concord who come every so often and do a litter pick, plant and maintain flowers. The swing park for kids is nice too and they are always cutting the grass and cutting trees back etc but then you get the yobs, and the usual dog fouling. I always think the park is the nicest thing about living round here but there are always people to spoil it for the rest of us!

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It's the same in a lot of parks unfortunately. There's always the cries of "there's nothing for kids to do" and then the same "kids" are the ones trashing equipment, or riding motorbikes across the football pitches ruining them.


It's a shame for the majority of people that a small minority think that behaving in this manner is acceptable.

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My nearest park is Colley, I inquired about it with the council as it's not really a park - the play areas have been removed. This is apparently due to repeated vandalism, due to cut backs there is no money to replace it so they just make it safe - which means removing stuff.


I don't drive and the next nearest park, Parson Cross park, is a fair walk with a toddler and a baby in a pram.


I was told with by the council that the company who are building houses round there (Gleeson) are providing some form of public space. I have the feeling in the future all outdoor play spaces will form part of housing estates where the house owners pay via the leasehold for the park maintenance and any council parks left you will probably have to pay to enter.

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Which entrance are they using to drive into the park?


Contact your local councillor to request the council install those whacking great slabs of rock at any vehicular entrances, to prevent cars bring driven up there.


Wincobank Hill used to suffer from the same problem several years ago, culminating in about a dozen burnt-out cars on Wincobank Hill, it was like a scene from Resident Evil.


I've not noticed any more since those rocks were installed.

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Thing is they can't block off entrances as council need access with their vehicles, also there is a large car park at the bottom which regular park goers use, also when they have football games the car park is used. Think they are just driving through the fences at the bottom, don't think they will ever be able to stop them unless they put big hefty lockable gates at all entrances which will cost too much.

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