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Another Tory Blunder

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David Cameron refusing to turn up for tonight's Leaders debate chaired by David Dimbleby.


He finds it almost impossible to stand up to informed questions on his policies and defend his so called 'achievements' when faced with people who know at least as much as he does. He deals only in sound bites, patronising, and bullying insults. If anything suggested a man who is just an incompetant figurehead, this is it.


It speaks volumes about his arrogance, that he won't even do his electorate the honour of turning up to a debate when such an important and undecided election is in the offing.


In terms of Tory blunders, I think this will lose the Conservatives the election.

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Guest sibon
He's not been invited to the debate tonight, neither has Miliband. ITs for the smaller parties to have a slug it out.


Milliband must be gate crashing then.

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Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned, but I will not call ANY party nasty!

To me the important thing is trusting what they say (or fail to say!).

For the Tories, Cameron is saying virtually what he said in 2010 (putting a new cover on their old manifesto would have saved a lot of money!).

Labour seem to making monetary promises they cannot keep without hitting the most vulnerable (VAT., PAYE., Disabled etc). The money has to come from somewhere! Last time they nearly ran us out of money!

There are no "nasty" parties - just too many you cannot trust!



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In terms of Tory blunders, I think this will lose the Conservatives the election.


What do you mean by lose? Do you mean not obtain a majority or being pushed out of office?


On the subject of David Cameron refusing to turn up for tonight's debate. He refused to do all the debates that where being offered. That's his prerogative. just like Tony Blair back when he was in power and refused outright to do any debates.

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He's not been invited to the debate tonight, neither has Miliband. ITs for the smaller parties to have a slug it out.


Its Nick that hasn't been invited.


Mr Clegg, who is campaigning in north-west England, said on his LBC phone-in show: "I find it very odd that the debate tonight doesn't have anybody from one of the parties that have actually been trying to govern our country."


He said he did not see why he had been "denied the opportunity" to speak because David Cameron had not wanted to and suggested there would be no-one to say "let's get real about some of the choices the country faces".



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Milliband must be gate crashing then.


The gogglebox in the office said there were five leaders taking part from the "minor" parties. Whilst you could say Labour is the party of the miners, I doubt you'd call it a minor one.


I presumed that it would be UKIP, LibDems, Green, SNP and Plaid C.

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The gogglebox in the office said there were five leaders taking part from the "minor" parties. Whilst you could say Labour is the party of the miners, I doubt you'd call it a minor one.


I presumed that it would be UKIP, LibDems, Green, SNP and Plaid C.


Its being touted as the opposition leaders debate, this is why Clegg has not been invited.

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Guest sibon
Its being touted as the opposition leaders debate, this is why Clegg has not been invited.


But it is only an opposition leaders' debate, because Cameron refused to take part.


He was invited.

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