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Another Tory Blunder

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But it is only an opposition leaders' debate, because Cameron refused to take part.


He was invited.


I know, that's why I said this is what its being touted as. I suspect Clegg was always going to be an after thought and so once Cameron said no, they branded the debate as the "opposition leaders debate" and disregarded Clegg.

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Guest sibon
And presumably declined. So why all the fuss?


I'm not making a fuss.


Just pointing out that our PM is unwilling to engage in TV debate.

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Guest sibon
He's done one already and there is another one later on that he's doing as far as I know. That's hardly unwilling.


There are no more.


"That's All Folks". Seems appropriate, if you think about it.

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You and me both. This forum is filled with abusive and nasty jibs at the Torys. I have de-friended people on FB because of their down right nasty posts calling the Torys and usual Cameron all sorts of names. Names that if a child had said it you would tell them off for being horrible.


I think it makes them feel big and important. Its a shame that the rest of us can see how this is not the case.

That's what 30 + years of Labour indoctrination will do.


The first thing my Vote Labour leaflet told me was that the Tories were deliberately destroying Sheffield.


Thing is that Labour/Conservative are as bad as each other but in Sheffield the pro Labour ideology is also embedded through parents and schools.


Thank goodness that we don't have any teachers mindlessly banging the Labour drum on here.

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Even if he does this, it would be far better for the entire country to simply raise the minimum wage and tax is at whatever rate is prevalent at the time. Setting minimum wage so low and needing it to be topped up by benefits even for people who work full time costs the country money and subsidising businesses. Raise the minimum wage to the living wage, tax as appropriate and stop allowing these companies to make big profits that has been paid for by our taxes.


---------- Post added 16-04-2015 at 10:25 ----------



No need to resort to name calling as it's a bit pathetic, but the Tories ARE the nasty party...they are the party of 'I'm alright Jack', which to me signifies someone who is a nasty person and who I wouldn't want to associate with. I try to hang out with people who give a toss about others and are prepared to suffer a little amount of hardship to help people less fortunate than them out. I don't think this describes the vast amount of Tory policies.


May I point out to you that the phrase "Im alright Jack" refers to a film about Trade Unions Starring Ian Carmichael and Peter Sellers, I suggest you take a look at it, it gives a fair representation of what life would be under Milliband and Balls.


I see you"hang about with people who give a toss about others" like most socialists your self righteousness is nauseous. It is people of the right who create the jobs, make the profits, pay the taxes (yes you read it correctly) that keep you and your navel gazing mates in jobs and maintain you in the manner to which you have become accustomed and feel so entitled to.


The Tory policies so far have lead to almost 2 million new jobs, halved the deficit, made ours the fastest growing economy in the developed world, an economy poised to overtake Germany. The only government to even discuss the creation of the re development of the north for 50 years. Fifty years in which the Labour party has been in power for about 50% of the time.


The nasty party is the party which crashed the economy, involved us in two wars that lead to the deaths of at least a million in the middle east and conditions in North Africa that means that as iIwrite this people are drowning in the Mediterranean. The nasty party is Labour.

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May I point out to you that the phrase "Im alright Jack" refers to a film about Trade Unions Starring Ian Carmichael and Peter Sellers, I suggest you take a look at it, it gives a fair representation of what life would be under Milliband and Balls.


I see you"hang about with people who give a toss about others" like most socialists your self righteousness is nauseous. It is people of the right who create the jobs, make the profits, pay the taxes (yes you read it correctly) that keep you and your navel gazing mates in jobs and maintain you in the manner to which you have become accustomed and feel so entitled to.


The Tory policies so far have lead to almost 2 million new jobs, halved the deficit, made ours the fastest growing economy in the developed world, an economy poised to overtake Germany. The only government to even discuss the creation of the re development of the north for 50 years. Fifty years in which the Labour party has been in power for about 50% of the time.


The nasty party is the party which crashed the economy, involved us in two wars that lead to the deaths of at least a million in the middle east and conditions in North Africa that means that as iIwrite this people are drowning in the Mediterranean. The nasty party is Labour.


No it doesn't.


These so called jobs, are you sure they are not just created to help their immigration status? Are you sure they are not poxy ZHC or volunteering jobs, suspension of benefits?

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No it doesn't.


These so called jobs, are you sure they are not just created to help their immigration status? Are you sure they are not poxy ZHC or volunteering jobs, suspension of benefits?


Quite sure - those who want a job can get one. Good staff are difficult to get, although I find them easy to keep.


Alan is quite right - the Nasty Party is the one who went out of their way to change Britain. For the worse.

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Just pointing out that our PM is unwilling to engage in TV debate.


He was on TV in a debate 2 weeks ago.


---------- Post added 16-04-2015 at 20:56 ----------



Alan is quite right - the Nasty Party is the one who went out of their way to change Britain. For the worse.


For me it was the way in which Labour MPs and supporters celebrated the death of Thatcher.


Whatever anyone thought, she was someone's mother, and the reaction by Labour was truly truly nasty.


I don't belong to a political party, I don't know who I will vote for in a few weeks. But after that event I will never vote Labour.

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