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Another Tory Blunder

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UKIP look as though they are currently going to get the votes of about 6% of the electorate. That's not a lot of discontent really.


Maybe so, most UKIP sympathisers I know don't bother voting at all due to the socialist republic mentality of those that do, I work in manufacturing and can't find a Labour voter, I go in the pub and speak to drivers, shopworkers, joiners and builders and can't find a Labour voter ..... go figure !

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Guest sibon
Maybe so, most UKIP sympathisers I know don't bother voting at all due to the socialist republic mentality of those that do, I work in manufacturing and can't find a Labour voter, I go in the pub and speak to drivers, shopworkers, joiners and builders and can't find a Labour voter ..... go figure !


Maybe the Labour voters are hiding in Fulwood.


You should consider widening your social circle.

Edited by sibon
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Guest sibon
Why would you think I care about UKIP's vote? As far as I'm concerned if it collapses then so much the better.


It was an Asterix/ Obelix gag.



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Maybe the Labour voters are hiding in Fulwood.


You should consider widening your social circle.


Cue the catcalls of 'champagne socialists'


---------- Post added 17-04-2015 at 11:03 ----------


Maybe so, most UKIP sympathisers I know don't bother voting at all due to the socialist republic mentality of those that do, I work in manufacturing and can't find a Labour voter, I go in the pub and speak to drivers, shopworkers, joiners and builders and can't find a Labour voter ..... go figure !


Some people say to others what they think they want to hear....I have friends and acquaintances who hold a variety of views, though very few are outright bigots, they probably wouldn't want to know me if they were!


---------- Post added 17-04-2015 at 11:09 ----------


The biggest percentage of posters who use asterisks are the forum left clique, sorry but I believe Obelix has made a fair observation, generally any right wing posters using asterisks are promptly reported ..... that's how the left work and why many working class people, if they bother, will vote UKIP this May !


To balance things out, what I have noticed on here that the Forummers who have multiple user names have generally 'right wing' opinions (e.g. they mock trade unions, progressive ideals, lambast things they don't agree with as 'politically correct' etc.) Forum rules prevent me from openly naming them, but I'm sure people on here know who I'm talking about. I suspect these users are frequently banned or reported because they have the inability to discuss their opinions without being racist or generally offensive.

Edited by Mister M
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Maybe so, most UKIP sympathisers I know don't bother voting at all due to the socialist republic mentality of those that do, I work in manufacturing and can't find a Labour voter, I go in the pub and speak to drivers, shopworkers, joiners and builders and can't find a Labour voter ..... go figure !
.........I figure they are all hiding in the public sector!People in manufacturing and wealth creation would never be daft enough to vote labour unless their unions insisted they did!..........and then look what happens!
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.........I figure they are all hiding in the public sector!People in manufacturing and wealth creation would never be daft enough to vote labour unless their unions insisted they did!..........and then look what happens!


In fact, during election time, people working as civil servants (I'm not sure about public sector) are not allowed to voice any political opinion. Its part of their contract and can be sacked if found out.

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Ron, can you tell me why employers from a number of companies are bemoaning the lack of suitably trained people to fill vacancies? Everything from bricklayers to computer programers are in short supply it seems.


What's happened to quality training in this country?


I'd also like to know why we have a shortage of doctors and nurses that has to be plugged by immigrants (who are needed in their own country,) without whom, we are always being told 'the NHS could not function.'


The upward direction of the economy has created a lack of trained staff, that has in part been addressed by 2000, new apprentices and the promise of another 3,000.


Regarding the NHS, it is a problem, always will be, but if you want someone to run it properly its Cameron. Compare and contrast England with Wales where Labour do run the NHS, its standards are far below those in England.


Look, no party owns my vote, like Ron Jeremy I would always vote for the party I think would be best for the country, my family and myself. I have voted Labour in the past, but the party needs a time in the wilderness, it needs to divest itself of all the current front bench who are tainted with spin and failure. Re organise, re build and come back with the right people and the right policies. 2015 is not the time for Labour.

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