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Another Tory Blunder

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You mean apart from the promise that he made? IF he'd written it down would that be more acceptable? or does it need to be writ in blood or cast on a tablet of stone first?


But the'promise', as it stands, and as I have demonstrated, is meaningless. Unless he has guaranteed the things which you assumed (somewhat optimistically) the 'promise' meant?


The only people being demeaned are those that wrote them, and I carefully ensured that it wasn't possible to identify them to save their blushes.
No, you bring yourself down to their level by repeating their foul language.


Do you think it's reasonable for people to use such comments Alice?

It's alice, not Alice, if that's alright with you.


And no, I find that people who use language which needs to be substituted by asterisks are generally inarticulate and devoid of imagination.


I think you are wrong.
Jolly good. It reassures me enormously that we have nothing in common!


However do you think such comments like those are acceptable?
No, but then I'm not the one taking them personally and getting my knickers twisted about them.:)
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