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Double-edged razor blade holder?

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I need something to hold a double-edged razor blade (the ones used in safety razors, for shaving). Something with a handle at one end, and something that can hold a blade securely at the other; to form a craft knife.


Anything like that exist?

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I would suggest using a split stick, possibly a plastic device, maybe an old pen or toothbrush? insert the blade into the split and use tape to tighten the whole lot up.


We used a similar method to produce a small axe with an old cleaver-knife head and a hammer-stem and it worked better than I had anticipated whilst out camping and needing to split some wood for a fire.

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It's for cutting foamcore. Needs to be a very sharp, thin blade. A razor blade is perfect for the job, just not very safe, unless I can fashion some kind of knife handle for it.


---------- Post added 16-04-2015 at 18:55 ----------


Loads of 'em here. I've used them in the car trade before, for scraping off gaskets and the like.


Ah yeah. Thanks Alcoblog.


They're okay for using paint scraper style I guess. I need something I can use to slice across and through 5mm deep foamcore, so ideally with a handle that is horizontal and in line with the edge of the blade.


I imagine such a tool doesn't exist, and I'll need to make something ad-hoc, with bits of stick, clamps, metal and screws.

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