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Well done to this CEO

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I read this & thought this man's efforts deserved wider recognition


Seattle CEO cuts own salary by 90% to pay every worker at least $70,000:




Of course Daily Mail readers are full of fear & venom of this man. Here's a selection of their snipes:


What's with all the gentrifier educated types... and HOW can they be making minimum wage? Weird. I'm sure the commie cooked the books with stock options and other things to balance out his CEO wage and make it look like he's being oh so fair and "new world-y". Give me a break.


As if VALUES don't drive other companies, what a hypocrite farce. These leftie doo gooder business values will sink our and probably global economy in time, you'll see. I hate to tbe a pessimist but its hypocritical socialistic business, which doesn't work... ever.


He had to read that those earning more money were happy? He sounds like a guy who has never had to struggle financially in his life.


What an idiot!


This is one train wreck I want to watch!




Let the Daily Mail readers suck on their lemons. If I was lucky enough to work for someone like this man I would bust a gut to ensure his organisation succeeded. Good luck to him!

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Must be a pretty small company, if you're in the UK earning £1 Million and you cut your pay by 90%, you get £100,000 saving £900,000. You only have to have 900 workers and the pay rise to each worker falls to a grand.


Nice sentiment but more of a publicity stunt I think.

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