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This is Britain- Lord Janner won't face court

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What "pay day" - have you any clue as to the amount that is paid to the lawyers? But that is really for another thread


I would be surprised if he was in receipt of legal aid -


I don't believe that just because an individual is unfit should mean that criminal charges simply cannot be pursued- where do you draw the line

This case is a PR nightmare for CPS - if he wasn't who is this case would never have got off the ground - it has been an expensive time consuming and complicated investigation and now even more resource is being deployed where not a lot will happen to him - the suggestion his reputation will be ruined is a laugh - he doesn't know what day it is and is a very ill old man -

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he should be made to pay his own legal costs or does the "dementia" get him legal aid ?


I wasn't referring to Lord Jenner's legal costs . Money seems to be no object regarding these historical investigations . Huge amounts of tax payers money is going to the legal profession who seem to be the main beneficiaries of these historical cases using evidence which is normally just one person's word against another, assuming both people are still alive .

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I wasn't referring to Lord Jenner's legal costs . Money seems to be no object regarding these historical investigations . Huge amounts of tax payers money is going to the legal profession who seem to be the main beneficiaries of these historical cases using evidence which is normally just one person's word against another, assuming both people are still alive .


I think you'll find that many of the victims in these historical cases, Saville, Harris and so on, think it's money very well spent.

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Is is the test whether to prosecute or not a question of how much ?


It is plainly in the public interest that cases such as this is prosecuted - and I would look at the published fees payable by CPS in such cases - you may think differently if you knew what you were talking about. It's not exactly a shop theft is it !

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Alzheimers is a horrible condition.


At the start decline is gradual - my father was capable of driving, making rational decisions around money etc up until two years before his death - the decline in the final two years was rapid - the last 6 months even more so.


I totally agree Longcol.

My lovely Mum is in the final stages now and it is a very cruel disease.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone but if Lord Jenner does have dementia then he hasn't got off 'scot free' as someone suggested. He and his loved ones will be suffering until, and beyond,the day he takes his last breath - a death sentence sadly and a long and drawn out one at that.

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I'm sorry to hear of that, Longcol.


Unfortunately, given that Jenner was still fulfilling his duties up until as late as last year, my cynicism of the political class inclines me to believe that Jenner or his advisers are pushing the illness angle to get him off the hook, or to stall a trial / inquest until after he dies, as Marx said in an earlier post:


I don't think people who haven't seen alzheimers at close hand realise how it works.


My father at the meeting with solicitors regarding power of attorney (approx 18 months before his death) would have appeared to the lay person as totally compos mentis - because he had years of experience of meetings as a full time trade union official - and important things like that are one of the last aspects of identity lost by someone with dementia.


Ten minuites after the meeting he'd forgotten we'd been.


I would have thought that Janner, in a familiar environment, surrounded by familiar faces and following a familiar routine, would have looked capable of fulfilling his duties in the Lords. If someone had asked him after a vote what he thought of the debate he wouldn't have remembered a thing - even how he'd voted.

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