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Plaid Cymru view on Health Migration

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Farage came over very badly and did not even shake the hands of the other debaters at the end. Miliband and Sturgeon couldn't believe it and were pleased as punch he made such a basic error as attacking the audience. Farage can't make out Sturgeon and Plaid and the Greens are 'pro-establishment'. He looked like a schoolboy oaf in a children's playground annoyed that the game of football didn't go the way he wanted. Also, what about his stated aim of poaching Labour's core vote? Aren't they 'too left-wing' as well?


I didn't think so. I agree with him, in this respect, that the audience was a stitch up. A recent poll showed that 70% of the country is worried about immigration numbers. If this is so then 70% of the audience would have been on his side because he is the only one who wants to reduce numbers.. rightly or wrongly.

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I didn't think so. I agree with him, in this respect, that the audience was a stitch up. A recent poll showed that 70% of the country is worried about immigration numbers. If this is so then 70% of the audience would have been on his side because he is the only one who wants to reduce numbers.. rightly or wrongly.


The poll reported by the BBC that you refer to showed that 70% of people in Britain want immigration to be reduced or stopped completely. I'd have thought it undeniable that audience reaction to debate about immigration didn't reflect public opinion.


It was also interesting to see the true colours of the leaders as they played to the liberal crowd in front of them. Whilst Farage stayed true to his beliefs and policies, the other leaders slipped back to tactics such as dismissing concerns with talk of 'blaming the bogeyman'. It was the sort of political correct problem denial crap that drives most people mad (the 70%) and so many towards a vote for UKIP... myself included. Whilst Miliband was more measured than the others (he managed to say through clenched teeth that he wanted to reduce immigration), he just couldn't bring himself to side with Farage and acknowledge that immigration is the primary reason there is a strain on housing, the NHS, schools and other public services. If people thought that Labour had got the message about immigration then they should think again... they secretly think it is a concern of the bigot and will not do anything about it.


As for the Plaid Cymru woman... she was terrible. No policies other than getting more money from Westminster (England) to pay for everything they want. It was like watching a shameless chav on Jeremy Kyle who's completely oblivious to the burden they place on others.

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Some areas have seen such a large number of migrants, we have a situation where we need to build more schools. Where does the funding for this come from? The immigrants have certainly not contributed enough into the collective pots to fund this new building/staff. The same goes for the pressure on hospitals. When a large number of people move into an area, they don't bring with them new schools and hospitals. These cost millions and the contribution by immigrants, be it a net contribution (for EU migrants) to our taxation receipts, is a drop in the ocean compared to the funds local and central government has to find.

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He shook hands with Sturgeon and Miliband at the end, albeit they had to come to him.


He came off very badly IMO and I was surprised he received any applause. But that goes to show, even with his attack, they still applauded some of his comments. That says a lot about how people feel.


It gave him time to rub the snot in.

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The most meaningful sentence was " our NHS is a National Health Service not a International Service " as our country is in no position to provide free treatment for everyone from any where on this planet.


But yet from both UKIPs and Tories OWN figures, only 0.4% (£33m in 2011/12) of our NHS budget is spent on foreign migrants and of that £21m was actually recovered from overseas governments, while 25% of all doctors, and 40% of other NHS staff are from other countries. So hell yes our NHS is an international health service and thank God it is.

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But yet from both UKIPs and Tories OWN figures, only 0.4% (£33m in 2011/12) of our NHS budget is spent on foreign migrants and of that £21m was actually recovered from overseas governments, while 25% of all doctors, and 40% of other NHS staff are from other countries. So hell yes our NHS is an international health service and thank God it is.


The people from other countries who work in the N H S are U K residents or on work visa,s and contributing and entitled to use our N H S, but people who just come here for free health care/treatment from outside of the E U should not be entitled to free services.

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The people from other countries who work in the N H S are U K residents or on work visa,s and contributing and entitled to use our N H S, but people who just come here for free health care/treatment from outside of the E U should not be entitled to free services.


And how many people do come here to use our health care service for free and do not work here? Do you have any figures for this? And let's say that you can find that £1m was spent on these people, how much do you think it would cost to set a system that controlled it? Please bare in mind that the current electronic medical records system that's still not really working properly cost over £1bn...

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And how many people do come here to use our health care service for free and do not work here? Do you have any figures for this? And let's say that you can find that £1m was spent on these people, how much do you think it would cost to set a system that controlled it? Please bare in mind that the current electronic medical records system that's still not really working properly cost over £1bn...


an educated guess would be £1m per hospital as a bare minimum, have you seen the cost of even the most basic of treatment??? i remember a lady a year or so ago from Ghana i think? came here to give birth, cost was over £300k and that's just 1 we know about.

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And how many people do come here to use our health care service for free and do not work here? Do you have any figures for this? And let's say that you can find that £1m was spent on these people, how much do you think it would cost to set a system that controlled it? Please bare in mind that the current electronic medical records system that's still not really working properly cost over £1bn...


What a joke ! Just Google it to find out the horrifying truth.

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