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Plaid Cymru view on Health Migration

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... Leanne Wood, and Nicola Sturgeon also joined in, took the moral high ground and responded with "“This kind of scaremongering is dangerous. It’s dangerous, it divides communities and it creates stigma to people who are ill, and I think you ought to be ashamed of yourself.” And she has had another go tonight so well done for stifling debate on what is a matter of public concern.


It's the tactics of the left, if you look you see it everywhere. Instead of arguing a case against it, you suggest the person you are debating with is either scaremongering or some sort of social pariah in the hope of stifling further discussion.

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UKIP are having a bad campaign and they know it already. Their poll numbers are falling and less people are going to vote for them, than they thought might vote for them before.

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UKIP are having a bad campaign and they know it already. Their poll numbers are falling and less people are going to vote for them, than they thought might vote for them before.


That's likley to do with the gullibility of the electorate in believing the lies being told by Lab/Con about controlling immigration. :suspect:

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That's likley to do with the gullibility of the electorate in believing the lies being told by Lab/Con about controlling immigration. :suspect:


of course this is like Farage himself the other night, blaming the audience of course the Commies used to do that too. They showed their true utter contempt for people, who inconveniently for them did not agree with what they said, by claiming they were stupid and gullible.

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UKIP are having a bad campaign and they know it already. Their poll numbers are falling and less people are going to vote for them, than they thought might vote for them before.


strange that?? nearly everyone i speak to in many walks of life, business and socially have either a strong positive view of UKIP or at least have some sympathies with the party and are in fact totally disillusioned with all the others only time will tell but i have a feeling come voting day they will surprise with far more votes than expected.

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of course this is like Farage himself the other night, blaming the audience of course the Commies used to do that too. They showed their true utter contempt for people, who inconveniently for them did not agree with what they said, by claiming they were stupid and gullible.


I take it then that you actually do believe that the Tories and Labour are going cut immigration.

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You are completely wrong. The vast majority require private healthcare insurance, even within the EU to cover their needs. The EU medical card means nothing in Europe.


You are missing the simplest point here. It matters not one jot whether British abroad pay for or get their treatment free. The point is that they are not costing the NHS anything. The immigrants here do cost the NHS of course but generally they are younger, healthy, working and paying taxes. Balanced against the older age profile of Brits abroad the cost to us as a country is likely to be near neutral.

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of course this is like Farage himself the other night, blaming the audience of course the Commies used to do that too. They showed their true utter contempt for people, who inconveniently for them did not agree with what they said, by claiming they were stupid and gullible.


Funny - I watched most of the programme the other night and didn't hear Farage call anyone "stupid and gullible"!

He also didn't "blame" the audience, he said they were left leaning. He also said (if you heard it) that the main audience was people watching at home!


Facts please, not what you read into it.


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An incredibly weak leader.


He got rumbled by Murdoch when in a debate he said he stood up to him. Murdoch, as quick as a flash, tweeted that they had only met for 2 minutes and Milliband was full of praise for him.


Whether people like Cameron or not he is straight to the point, without thanking the audience for the question and other time wasting tactics.


---------- Post added 16-04-2015 at 22:02 ----------



I was outside the Hallamshire the other week and was shocked at the number of patients coming out of the hospital to smoke.


Whilst immigration is a hot issue, people's stupidity is another factor that is crippling the NHS.



Bit of patient bashing going on here. A fag monitor/warden at a hospital in Scotland revealed that 80% of people he caught smoking in the hospital grounds were actually their own staff.

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An incredibly weak leader.


He got rumbled by Murdoch when in a debate he said he stood up to him. Murdoch, as quick as a flash, tweeted that they had only met for 2 minutes and Milliband was full of praise for him.


I'm not sure who to believe.


Yes, Miliband has zero charisma, but Murdoch is a notorious liar and hypocrite, not to mention head of one of the most influential media organisations in the world.


You'll struggle to get your message across if Murdoch's attack dogs media empire is against you.

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