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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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Come off it, that was a tactical retreat so that our army could regroup and fight back. Are the immigrants regrouping in the UK preparing to retake their countries of origin?


Smithy's usual lack of preciseness allowed me to use run away to cover a wide variety of situations, to which I also took it to mean, to move at speed away from the enemy.


Hey, I'm not the ones calling them cowards, we owe everything to our previous generations, so take your issue up with the person who is.

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BNP and or NF membership is/was around that number. Did or do people run away or challenge them? What would the UK look like if those who opposed the likes of the BNP left the country?
Is the BNP and/or NF engaging in ethnic cleansing in the UK?


In control of 20,000sq.miles of UK territory?


Better armed, trained and motivated than HM Forces?


Killed more than 5,000 civilians between July 2009 and June 2014, including at least 2,000 in the first half of 2014?


Can we keep some objectivity here, or has reason completely flown out of this debate's window?

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I'd like to return to reality by suggesting that maybe they're realistic about their situation and are being proactive in a realistic way to improve their situation.


OK. Now let's be equally realistic. In Spain in 2013 youth unemployment stood at 56%. In Greece this year it's 50%. Other unemployment in Greece is 25%.


Realistically why would either country want one extra migrant? Especially those illiterate even in their own language and with no skills?


Realistically, why would anybody want people who have overpopulated their own country to the point where there aren't enough jobs, infrastructure and opportunity, and now want to come to our countries bringing their breeding habits with them?

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OK. Now let's be equally realistic. In Spain in 2013 youth unemployment stood at 56%. In Greece this year it's 50%. Other unemployment in Greece is 25%.


Realistically why would either country want one extra migrant? Especially those illiterate even in their own language and with no skills?


Realistically, why would anybody want people who have overpopulated their own country to the point where there aren't enough jobs, infrastructure and opportunity, and now want to come to our countries bringing their breeding habits with them?


So what has that got to do with the point I raised? All I've tried to argue that it is wrong to suggest that the people who are making the journey should be labelled as being lazy. For some reason this point seems to have wound Smithy up.

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Is the BNP and/or NF engaging in ethnic cleansing in the UK?


In control of 20,000sq.miles of UK territory?


Better armed, trained and motivated than HM Forces?


Killed more than 5,000 civilians between July 2009 and June 2014, including at least 2,000 in the first half of 2014?


Can we keep some objectivity here, or has reason completely flown out of this debate's window?


Its not a cookie cutter comparison, that is for sure, but I note you answer my question with a question. What do you think the UK would look like if those who opposed the likes of the BNP left the country?

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So what has that got to do with the point I raised? All I've tried to argue that it is wrong to suggest that the people who are making the journey should be labelled as being lazy. For some reason this point seems to have wound Smithy up.


OK, I got the wrong end of the stick, sorry.


But the point still stands. I don't care if they're proactive or radioactive. There are way too many of them and Europe shouldn't be expected to take them.

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OK, I got the wrong end of the stick, sorry.


But the point still stands. I don't care if they're proactive or radioactive. There are way too many of them and Europe shouldn't be expected to take them.


I don't think anybody expects Europe to take them all, but until the situation is sorted, come they will.

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So what has that got to do with the point I raised? All I've tried to argue that it is wrong to suggest that the people who are making the journey should be labelled as being lazy. For some reason this point seems to have wound Smithy up.


Are they being labelled lazy? I think they are simply being labelled undesirable because of the financial and social problems that come with them. Whilst you can make a humanitarian argument for taking them regardless of the negative impact, you can't really pretend they aren't going to have a negative impact.

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Are they being labelled lazy? I think they are simply being labelled undesirable because of the financial and social problems that come with them. Whilst you can make a humanitarian argument for taking them regardless of the negative impact, you can't really pretend they aren't going to have a negative impact.


I haven't pretended that they're not going to make a negative impact, so I don't know where you're going with this post.

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Its not a cookie cutter comparison, that is for sure, but I note you answer my question with a question. What do you think the UK would look like if those who opposed the likes of the BNP left the country?
That the UK would still look nothing like Nigeria does now: neither isolated communities in the @rse end of Derbyshire or the Brecon Beacons, nor Christians or Jews wherever in Sheffield or Bradford or Birmingham, nor kids getting up and going to school, would wake up every day in fear of either getting abducted and enslaved, or never seeing the sun rising tomorrow after being shot, blown- or hacked-up :|


Sense of perspective, much, Berberis?

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