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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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Come off it, that was a tactical retreat so that our army could regroup and fight back. Are the immigrants regrouping in the UK preparing to retake their countries of origin?


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 13:08 ----------



BNP and or NF membership is/was around that number. Did or do people run away or challenge them? What would the UK look like if those who opposed the likes of the BNP left the country?


Its would be a utopia. :D

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Sense of perspective, much, Berberis?


OK, so if living in another country is not as "good" as living in the UK, they should be allowed to come to live in the UK should they? How does this help said countries better their standards of living? Nigeria is not the only country in Africa. I chose it because it was less then half the distance to the UK from Eritrea and is the most prosperous state on the continent.

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So you believe that a bunch of cowards were rescued from the Germans in Dunkirk during the WW2? What a way to go.


Come on, step out of Smithy world for just a second where you expect ordinary people to go all Rambo to improve their lives, and come back to reality. You can do it!


The soldiers at Dunkirk didn't run away and in can't be compared to the people running away from their own country instead of fighting to make it better.

The people boarding boats in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria aren't in any danger.

I don't remember reading about millions of Europeans trying to cross the English channel to get away from the Nazis.

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The soldiers at Dunkirk didn't run away and in can't be compared to the people running away from their own country instead of fighting to make it better.

The people boarding boats in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria aren't in any danger.

I don't remember reading about millions of Europeans trying to cross the English channel to get away from the Nazis.


So was Einstein wrong to abandon Germany, should he have returned and fought the Nazis? Was the USA wrong to accept him as a refugee?

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The soldiers at Dunkirk didn't run away and in can't be compared to the people running away from their own country instead of fighting to make it better.

The people boarding boats in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria aren't in any danger.

I don't remember reading about millions of Europeans trying to cross the English channel to get away from the Nazis.


A large number of refugees left nazi Germany after 1933.


The ones that stayed put should have run, 6 million died in gas chambers.

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OK, so if living in another country is not as "good" as living in the UK, they should be allowed to come to live in the UK should they?
Have I said or suggested this anywhere? :confused:

Nigeria is not the only country in Africa. I chose it because it was less then half the distance to the UK from Eritrea and is the most prosperous state on the continent.
I don't think I've commented about Nigeria, or your suggesting it as a destination country, either.

How does this help said countries better their standards of living?
History shows us that nothing short of dictatorial-grade interventionism could help such countries "better their standards of living", in the short to medium term at least.


Which is exactly why and how there wasn't as much of an issue with Med-borne illegals under Moubarak, Saddam, Gadhafi et al.


But need I remind you and sundry that we (the US, the EU -of which the UK, France, Germany <etc.>- and cohorts) forcibly removed these from power?


Actions, consequences, causes, effects and all that. Personally, I wouldn't lose any sleep if 'we' decided to east some humble pie and put some new Moubaraks, Saddams, Gadhafis et al in place to buy ourselves a bit of peace and quiet. Dictators they sure were, but local people lived far happier, productive and safer lives then.

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I still don't know why Gadhafi was removed, they've done FA about the leadership in Syria and those people are in a far worse state than the Libyans were in.


I hope our leaders are starting to see that meddling in the Middle East has brought untold problems to our doorstep and it's about time we left things be.

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But need I remind you and sundry that we (the US, the EU -of which the UK, France, Germany <etc.>- and cohorts) forcibly removed these from power?


Actions, consequences, causes, effects and all that.


Actually "WE" didn't. There was never any support for Blair helping to invade Iraq outside of the political classes. 1.3 million people marched in London opposing Blair's plans!


Similarly I don't know of one person who thought bombing Ghaddafi was anything other than stupid.


Why should we suffer because of the ego and narcissism of our political leaders?

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Actually "WE" didn't. There was never any support for Blair helping to invade Iraq outside of the political classes. 1.3 million people marched in London opposing Blair's plans!
You might not have voted NuLab for Blair to get into office, but enough others did (twice :rolleyes:) and, since we all live in the same democracy, "WE" did indeed. The same goes for US voters and Bush. It's called collective responsibility.

Why should we suffer because of the ego and narcissism of our political leaders?
Because we live in a democracy, and the democratic choice was Blair, so "WE" elected him and collectively carry the can for what he did.


Regrettably, I'm not surprised so many people have trouble understanding so fundamental and easy a concept as responsibility (collective or otherwise) in this day and age.

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