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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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The proactive type would be building a better life for them selves and their fellow countrymen, proactive people create and control situations, they don't run away from them.


If I could have a wish it would be that you and people like you could be transported to one of these countries with only the following items tied up in a dirty white hanky -


Your passport and proof of your citizenship for the particular country -


An AK47 with 200 rounds -


A mouldy banana butty


and a bottle of tepid brown water.


I can see you now - standing your ground as muck and bullets fly.


Oh - ! - So sorry thats not you - it's a little girl trying to protect her baby brother from her own kind who are so desperate they would eat the baby - they make great soup.


Now I see you - you're in a deep gully covered in sh*t - ooo that nasty dysentery.


but I knew that dirty white hanky would be useful - you're frantically waving it above your head.

Edited by Slikkwiver
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If I could have a wish it would be that you and people like you could be transported to one of these countries with only the following items tied up in a dirty white hanky -


Your passport and proof of your citizenship for the particular country -


An AK47 with 200 rounds -


A mouldy banana butty


and a bottle of tepid brown water.


I can see you now - standing your ground as muck and bullets fly.


Oh - ! - So sorry thats not you - it's a little girl trying to protect her baby brother from her own kind who are so desperate they would eat the baby - they make great soup.


Now I see you - you're in a deep gully covered in sh*t - ooo that nasty dysentery.


but I knew that dirty white hanky would be useful - you're frantically waving it above your head.


If Britain should ever be invaded I will be happy to wave you goodby as you run away. :thumbsup:

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It wouldn't take long for word to get round that even if you get on a boat and sail to europe, you may not make it and could end up back right where you started.


The problem is, now we have a situation where the boats are sailing into the med and calling the coast guard to pick them up. We in the EU are doing half the work now. We need to stop bringing them here as that just encourages more to make the same journey.


Tow them back to Africa, there we can insure those who need medical care are taken to hospital and the rest can be sent home.


we have enough of the worlds rubbish .Idon,t care what happens to em


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 21:47 ----------


If Britain should ever be invaded I will be happy to wave you goodby as you run away. :thumbsup:


why should we have to have them ? let the other African country.s have em we have enough of the worlds rubbish ,scrounging from us

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No it would be cheaper to save them, feed and water them and drop them off at the African side, than to save them, feed and water them for years on the European side.


Europe can't employ every that is already here so its not going to be able to employ even more people.


Once everyone departs, just tow the boat back out to sea and sink it.


I am sure Tony Abbott the Australian PM has done something similar, and it has worked. He has also been asking EU members to do the same to stop the flow of immigrants. They should send the boats back.

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we have enough of the worlds rubbish .Idon,t care what happens to em


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 21:47 ----------



why should we have to have them ? let the other African country.s have em we have enough of the worlds rubbish ,scrounging from us


I wouldn't care if someone with your views dropped dead myself....:rolleyes:

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If Britain should ever be invaded I will be happy to wave you goodby as you run away. :thumbsup:


And I thought you were slightly intelligent (if a nasty self obsessed little runt).


How can you possibly have any idea of what my reaction would be if this country was invaded? And you should know tht it is never ok to accuse a man of cowardice unless you have unequivocal proof. You proved to me in another post that you are not only a coward but a simpering grovelling one to boot.


I'd like to think that I would do precisely the same as my father and grandfather did when this once beautiful country was threatened.

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Send em back,if we allow them in,more will come and more will die trying to get across.

Its been estimated as many as 10,000 could have died trying to get to across.

If they are sent back to where they came from the message that its a fruitless journey will act as a deterrent and save lives.

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Wherever these people go and whatever we Europeans do with them is academic - for come they will and continue to do so for the foreseeable future.


We are seeing the beginnings of increasingly fierce and desperate fighting for ever diminishing resourses.


You 'aint seen nuthin' yet!

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And I thought you were slightly intelligent (if a nasty self obsessed little runt).


How can you possibly have any idea of what my reaction would be if this country was invaded? And you should know tht it is never ok to accuse a man of cowardice unless you have unequivocal proof. You proved to me in another post that you are not only a coward but a simpering grovelling one to boot.


I'd like to think that I would do precisely the same as my father and grandfather did when this once beautiful country was threatened.


Based on your abusive posts I think you would run away.

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Based on your abusive posts I think you would run away.


Trying to get me banned hey? - What a bottleless bozo you are.


Look at your own posts - now there's abuse - against humanity..


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 22:08 ----------


Tell me I'm curious - why would a bloke call himself 'Loraward'?

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