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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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I am sure Tony Abbott the Australian PM has done something similar, and it has worked. He has also been asking EU members to do the same to stop the flow of immigrants. They should send the boats back.


Yes, its a policy that would work.


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 22:14 ----------


Trying to get me banned hey? - What a bottleless bozo you are.


Look at your own posts - now there's abuse - against humanity..


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 22:08 ----------


Tell me I'm curious - why would a bloke call himself 'Loraward'?


The only abuse as come from you and its getting worse, if your abusive posts get you banned than its your responsibility, not mine.

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I am sure Tony Abbott the Australian PM has done something similar, and it has worked. He has also been asking EU members to do the same to stop the flow of immigrants. They should send the boats back.


Why not just give the boats free passage to Australia ?


Then it's their problem, not ours.


And as Australia aren't members of the EU then they have no legal recourse, ha ha, in your face, Tony Abbott

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Europe has had to go through hundreds, thousands of years of war and turmoil to get to the reasonably civil state we know today, the blood price paid for and fought for by our fore bearers.


Imagine if, in 1914 or 1939, all of Europe's men other than the aggressors had said, we're not going to fight for a better future, let's all bugger off to another continent, and let the Nazis take over.


That is what these men coming over on boats are doing, jumping ship (no pun intended), abandoning their homelands to an ill fate, instead of standing up to fight like our ancestors did.


It always puzzled me that while our soldiers were fighting in Afghanistan, and doing things like building schools, we were accepting young Afghan men of fighting age as refugees and asylum seekers into the UK. They should have been forced to return to enlist and fight for what is theirs, and that is what we should do with all these young men coming across on boats, and make no bones about it, the vast majority that survive the crossing are fit healthy young men.


Most are wealthy too by African standards, with some paying over €2000 to the people smugglers for the crossing, enough to live quite comfortably in some parts of Africa for several years, which makes me think, they are not refugees, they are economic migrants. Not that I blame them for wanting to better their lot, but, with places like Libya, Tunisia, Egypt lately been given a golden opportunity to form liberal western style democracies that they have all collectively squandered, I'd question what they can bring to Europe other than drag us all backwards down to their level.

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we have enough of the worlds rubbish .Idon,t care what happens to em


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 21:47 ----------



why should we have to have them ? let the other African country.s have em we have enough of the worlds rubbish ,scrounging from us


My bold...




You do realise that the UK takes in less than 1% of the world's refugees, don't you? that most refugees are displaced to the country (ies) neighbouring their home country?


---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 22:26 ----------


Send em back,if we allow them in,more will come and more will die trying to get across.

Its been estimated as many as 10,000 could have died trying to get to across.

If they are sent back to where they came from the message that its a fruitless journey will act as a deterrent and save lives.


No it won't. There will always be the desperate, who will risk everything to escape despotic regimes.


and there will always be the pond-slime that will prey on them, and take these desperate people for every last penny.

Edited by Plain Talker
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My bold...




You do realise that the UK takes in less than 1% of the world's refugees, don't you? that most refugees are displaced to the country (ies) neighbouring their home country?


Given that the UK does not immediately border any conflict or disaster zones, it should be less than that.

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Genuine question: Why travel 5000+ Km to the UK rather then settle in another African state? Nigeria for example.


In a nutshell ............. because they know we are a soft touch and the UK is the land of milk and honey for benefit handouts.


THAT is why they invade Calais and risk life and limb to get across the channel.

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Given that the UK does not immediately border any conflict or disaster zones, it should be less than that.


it's rather difficult to get off an aircraft at 45,000 feet. ditto with these ships. they dock where they stop.. (or sink as the case may be)


Also, as signatories to the UN convention, we are obliged to take in a small number of these refugees.


Seeing as there are nearly 200 countries across the world, I don't think 1% is a horrendously large number, to take in.

Edited by Plain Talker
a superfluous "s"
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In a nutshell ............. because they know we are a soft touch and the UK is the land of milk and honey for benefit handouts.


THAT is why they invade Calais and risk life and limb to get across the channel.


We've been invading Calais for decades to get cheap booze and fags!

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In a nutshell ............. because they know we are a soft touch and the UK is the land of milk and honey for benefit handouts.


THAT is why they invade Calais and risk life and limb to get across the channel.


Indeed, economic migrants, not refugees.

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