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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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Guest sibon


only the same non stats you have? ah the evidence where is that then? oh the out of date stuff:suspect:


You show us that the data from 2011, 2012 and 2013 is no longer relevant.


It all shows the same pattern There is no reason to believe that anything has changed dramatically.

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Not with the point I was making though, which is that compared to their ability to support them, the poorest countries take in a disproportional amount of refugees. There is no evidence that suggest that this point has changed.


What about the point that rich countries like the UK taking in these refugees actually helps to consolidate the root cause problems whilst lumbering ourselves with an ongoing financial burden and future social problems?


There is no case for anyone taking in these refugees and therefore a debate about how to calculate our share of zero is a waste of time.

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What about the point that rich countries like the UK taking in these refugees actually helps to consolidate the root cause problems whilst lumbering ourselves with an ongoing financial burden and future social problems?


There is no case for anyone taking in these refugees and therefore a debate about how to calculate our share of zero is a waste of time.


I think your point would have merit if anybody thought that taking the refugees was the answer to the problem.


Also, you're not suggesting that the rich countries can wash their hands of the problem? I actually do not think that it's possible that we could, unless the rich countries find solutions, then the problems are going to have an effect upon us on one way or another.

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149,800 in the UK out of 10m globally (per the link) is 1.5%, not 8.3% (1/12).


Perhaps you need an optician to help you read your own posts.


Originally Posted by L00b View Post

the percentages appear to be 55% to Sudan, 15% to Saudi, 14% to the USA, 8% to the UK, 7% to the UAE. Sudan also takes 47% of refugees, by the look of things.

Does that post which you badly quoted mention that the 8% is of Eritrean migrants? My, yes it did:

for your reading pleasure, courtesy of the UN.


Concerns Eritrea and 2013 Eritrean migration stats (since Eritreans currently constitute the bulk of Med-crossing migrants, but historically it's Syrians), but plenty more where that one came from.


Please turn to page 2, bottom right quarter: the percentages appear to be 55% to Sudan, 15% to Saudi, 14% to the USA, 8% to the UK, 7% to the UAE. Sudan also takes 47% of refugees, by the look of things.



Tool :roll:

again out of date stats, no relevance to 2015 and whats happening now or even last year.
I've supported my position with independent and recent hard data, let's see your support for yours. That's how online debates work. Until then, yours is just an uninformed opinion I'm afraid. Worth about the same amount of attention as a comment about the weather. Edited by L00b
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Does that post which you badly quoted mention that the 8% is of Eritrean migrants? My, yes it did:

Tool :roll:


Did your post mention that the majority of those currently crossing the Mediterranean were from Eritrea?


Concerns Eritrea and 2013 Eritrean migration stats (since Eritreans currently constitute the bulk of Med-crossing migrants, but historically it's Syrians), but plenty more where that one came from.


My, yes it did:


Tool :roll:

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Did your post mention that the majority of those currently crossing the Mediterranean were from Eritrea?
Did your '1/12' figure relate to all refugees (of which those who cross the Med, including some or all of that 8% of Eritrean migrants, will only be a part...if any part at all since these 8% of Eritreans are UN-classed as 'migrants', not 'refugees')?

Actually you have established that 1/12 of refugees come to a country that only covers 1/1500 of the world. It is little wonder you want to talk about something else.
Looks like you're competing with loraward for bad faith.


I'm not surprised in the least, it's a bit of a regular pattern with you haters once you've managed to step on your own appendage during debate :hihi:

Edited by L00b
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Pub discussion ...


That the illegal migrants trying to get into Europe, are diverted to EE countries within the EU They have more empty land, as many of the citizens have moved into western europe previously, thus making space for newcomers. The probably wouldn't get looked after, but they wouldn't be anywhere near a war, so wouldn't be fearing for their lives, and they could probably live off the land in the more remote parts.


Would that work out?


No sir, but congratulations on a positive thought.


It would not work out because these people are seeking the safety, services and opportunity provided by cities.


They do not tend to be agriculturalists or capable of living off the land, they tend to people who have been economically dependent in the countries they are leaving and are leaving due to the chaos that is enveloping those countries.

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Is that an offer Cuttsie?:)

Well I was there a month ago and thought that I had landed on another Continent to see schools completely segregated without a white face to be seen this was a real shock to the system.

The England that people of my age knew and loved has gone forever to be replaced by discrimination not from the indigenous population but from peoples of a vastly different culture.

The discrimination being in the segregated schools.

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I think your point would have merit if anybody thought that taking the refugees was the answer to the problem.


If taking the refugees isn't an answer to the problem, helps to condemn other people to the miserable fate caused by the problem and causes us problems by doing it, then why do it?


Also, you're not suggesting that the rich countries can wash their hands of the problem? I actually do not think that it's possible that we could, unless the rich countries find solutions, then the problems are going to have an effect upon us on one way or another.


The cultural and religious problems responsible for the dysfunction and fighting are not ours to solve and we can't solve them even if we want to.


I am pretty certain that those people sitting in boats in the Med would refute that their culture and religion are root causes of the problems they are fleeing. We need to leave them to discover the truth for themselves because until they do nothing will change over there and they will only bring their problems with them if they are allowed to come here.

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