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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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The only way to sort out these countries is via the UN. If the members were to agree to undertake mandates in the same way as we did in the 20s following the 1st World war and the end of the Ottoman empire it could be done. However, it will need more than US/UK.


Russia, China, Iran, the EU, Saudi Arabia,plus others would need to be involved. it would cost billions, we would have to be prepared for bodybags as thousands of troops would die. It could be done.


My bet? Nothing will happen until we are confronting ISIS and the rest of them on our streets. Then it may be too late.


Good heavens Mr Ladd, we do appear to have found a topic on which we agree. There just isn't a simple quick fix solution. Helping the refugees seems to encourage more to try. Not helping them encourages more to try. Western interference hasn't stabilised the region (not totally blaming the West here as many of these countries didn't help themselves either) and a lack of Western interference doesn't stabilise them either.


It genuinely seems that no matter what we do, unless it's very extreme, does anything to help this situation at all. I'm fairly sure that whatever differences we hold with our MPs most of them are still human and they would want to fix this if they could.

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I think you live in an empathy vacuum.


Think you live in a very strange vacuum:roll: when its quite obvious that everyone has degrees of empathy on this thread, unfortunately empathy doesnt save lives ! action does and to save lives these people should be prevented from starting their journey, if they are allowed to carry on then more and more will come, the root cause needs to be addressed.

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No sir, but congratulations on a positive thought.


It would not work out because these people are seeking the safety, services and opportunity provided by cities.


They do not tend to be agriculturalists or capable of living off the land, they tend to people who have been economically dependent in the countries they are leaving and are leaving due to the chaos that is enveloping those countries.

In that case, as we can't afford to accept responsibility for supplying their wellbeing for the rest of their lives, revert to my plan A as suggested some pages back.


Illegal migrants and mass immigration is turning us all into Katie Hopkins :(

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In that case, as we can't afford to accept responsibility for supplying their wellbeing for the rest of their lives, revert to my plan A as suggested some pages back.


Illegal migrants and mass immigration is turning us all into Katie Hopkins :(


No it's not, the Katie Hopkins of this world were here already. All this scenario is doing is giving them the opportunity to vent their rant

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I'm surprised Ed Miliband has waited till now to say David Cameron has contributed in part to the crisis in the Mediterranean by failing to stand by Libya in making the same mistake as Iraq by not having a post conflict plan.


If he thought the refugee situation could have been avoided he should have expressed those opinions earlier instead of only doing so at this stage of the election campaign. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32441968

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I'm surprised Ed Miliband has waited till now to say David Cameron has contributed in part to the crisis in the Mediterranean by failing to stand by Libya in making the same mistake as Iraq by not having a post conflict plan.


If he thought the refugee situation could have been avoided he should have expressed those opinions earlier instead of only doing so at this stage of the election campaign. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32441968


Absolutely agree with your comments.


British military support in Libya was always going to be arms-length assistance - enough to stop Gaddaffi from killing his own civilians with impunity, but falling short of an invasion. After all, nobody wants to keep British troops in there for another decade. . .


For Miliband to criticise Cameron for not having a post-conflict plan. . . I think Miliband is clutching at straws. Who is he trying to win over with that statement :huh:

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British military support in Libya was always going to be arms-length assistance - enough to stop Gaddaffi from killing his own civilians with impunity, but falling short of an invasion. After all, nobody wants to keep British troops in there for another decade. . .


The situation is highly complex isn't it The Joker?


Maybe it's insoluble - as is the mess created by getting rid a Saddam Hussain.


One thing for sure - when Putin and his bunch of gangsters are on the look out for new territory any intervention in any part of the world must be carefully thought out before any action of any kind is initiated. It seems that America enjoys rattling the wasp's nest but not the aftermath.


This world is balanced on a razor sharp knife edge like never before - as people on every level grab as much as they can and run - as resources dwindle and populations increase exponentially. (As was predicted in that highly respected publication - 'The Guinness Book of Records' way back in the 70s!!


It was right there in black and white -

I used to marvel at these terifyingly massive population predictions - right there in black and white it was - inbetween the records for eating the most spagetti and the man who could yodel at 3000 decibels for three hours without taking breath!


It used to put the bobbahs up me I'll tell you. I mean - eating half a stone of spag bol - wow!


I love this country and this planet almost as much as I hate the extremes of religious nonsense and sheer greed that is eroding the very foundations of civilisation that Britain has done so much to advance.


When we turn away from the plight of humanity and try to ignore the rising waters (literally and metaphorically) we are assuring not only the fate of the desperate millions but ultimately the fate of ourselves.


Wish I had an answer.

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The situation is highly complex isn't it The Joker?


Maybe it's insoluble - as is the mess created by getting rid a Saddam Hussain.


One thing for sure - when Putin and his bunch of gangsters are on the look out for new territory any intervention in any part of the world must be carefully thought out before any action of any kind is initiated. It seems that America enjoys rattling the wasp's nest but not the aftermath.


This world is balanced on a razor sharp knife edge like never before - as people on every level grab as much as they can and run - as resources dwindle and populations increase exponentially. (As was predicted in that highly respected publication - 'The Guinness Book of Records' way back in the 70s!!


It was right there in black and white -

I used to marvel at these terifyingly massive population predictions - right there in black and white it was - inbetween the records for eating the most spagetti and the man who could yodel at 3000 decibels for three hours without taking breath!


It used to put the bobbahs up me I'll tell you. I mean - eating half a stone of spag bol - wow!


I love this country and this planet almost as much as I hate the extremes of religious nonsense and sheer greed that is eroding the very foundations of civilisation that Britain has done so much to advance.


When we turn away from the plight of humanity and try to ignore the rising waters (literally and metaphorically) we are assuring not only the fate of the desperate millions but ultimately the fate of ourselves.


Wish I had an answer.


Every once in a while some one on Sheffield forum posts a post that makes me feel that humanity is not lost,

Slickwiver your is such a post ,thank you.

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Your emotional reasoning is the reason they try to cross the med and the reason they are dying whilst trying, the safest option for them is to not try.
What troubles me is I can find not the slightest compassion in this send them back philosophy.You people seem to make it sound so easy. Just drop em off back to die back home and sink the boats. Yeh Right.
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Cameron's offer to send the Navy over there to help rescue the migrants whilst insisting that none will be allowed to come here is laughable and unfair to Italy which he seems to think should shoulder the burden alone. We all know that these people will soon be heading north to countries like Britain, France, Germany, Sweden and Norway and barring an overall majority for UKIP, which seems unlikely, we'll soon be swamped by them, especially if we have parties like Labour, the Greens and the S.N.P. holding the reins.

The impact on this country will be horrendous and we'll just implode socially and economically. The irony is that this could trigger off a huge exodus of white Europeans into East European countries in order to escape the chaos as they have have much smaller population densities, cheap houses and at the moment seem to be free from the dark cloud of Islam that overshadows our lives.


my bold=

Please don't worry yourself, sleep well and don't have nightmares....:hihi:

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