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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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The latest reports of rickety boats packed with would-be immigrants trying to get in to Europe just emphasize the dreadful conditions in these African countries. Until they are sorted out this will continue.

The problem is, how do you sort it.

When they were colonies there was no pressure on the population to get out.

By and large they had stable government that wasn't corrupt.

Colonial rule has had it's day and is unthinkable today, but couldn't we offer them some of the benefits of our civil service to set up non corrupt government, local and national.

Similarly a police force that didn't exist on bribes.

Most of the African countries got independence in the 70's, and let's face it,

they've made a lousy job of self governance.

If I lived there I'd probably be risking death in the Med as well.

The good news is we are sending HMS Bulwark to the area. The bad news is its not to help the dying immigrants. What it will be doing there i dont know but at least its comforting to know we have a presence in the area :|

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The good news is we are sending HMS Bulwark to the area. The bad news is its not to help the dying immigrants. What it will be doing there i dont know but at least its comforting to know we have a presence in the area :|


Brutania waives the rules eh?!

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Absolutely agree with your comments.


British military support in Libya was always going to be arms-length assistance - enough to stop Gaddaffi from killing his own civilians with impunity, but falling short of an invasion. After all, nobody wants to keep British troops in there for another decade. . .


For Miliband to criticise Cameron for not having a post-conflict plan. . . I think Miliband is clutching at straws. Who is he trying to win over with that statement.:huh:


Although I support the values of the Labour party, and firmly believe they have achieved a great deal in their history, that doesn't mean I haven't failed to observe their mistakes.


I haven't heard Mr Miliband say anything much about what his position is on foreign policies before, it seems opportunist to suddenly start making statements about what should have been done about Libya.

What he should be commenting on is how he would deal with the migrant situation, and what he thinks would be the right solution.

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What troubles me is I can find not the slightest compassion in this send them back philosophy.You people seem to make it sound so easy. Just drop em off back to die back home and sink the boats. Yeh Right.


How much will you be donating to help with their rescue and what will you personally be doing to help them after they land in Europe, will you be proving them with food, accommodation and how long will you provide this support?

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I'm surprised Ed Miliband has waited till now to say David Cameron has contributed in part to the crisis in the Mediterranean by failing to stand by Libya in making the same mistake as Iraq by not having a post conflict plan.


If he thought the refugee situation could have been avoided he should have expressed those opinions earlier instead of only doing so at this stage of the election campaign. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32441968


Labour didn't have a plan either. They're as bad. Andrew Neil grilled their defence spokesman yesterday about it. It was embarrassing for Labour. Its online for all to see..

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The good news is we are sending HMS Bulwark to the area. The bad news is its not to help the dying immigrants. What it will be doing there i dont know but at least its comforting to know we have a presence in the area :|


Hopefully its going there as a deterrent and to turn around any boats full of migrants it finds and escort them back to where they came from.

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Hopefully its going there as a deterrent and to turn around any boats full of migrants it finds and escort them back to where they came from.


What if the people in the boats are dying? Would you begrudge those people some help?

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What if the people in the boats are dying? Would you begrudge those people some help?


Absolutley not,Id help them get all the way home and,and aid them on the way and repair their injured bodies.

Then sink everyboat in the harbour.

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