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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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The problem with you left wingers is that you overlook the fact that these people are fleeing from shocking conditions (nobody disagrees on this) they probably scrimp around and have seen untold violence (nobody should disagree with that) and this is the exact reason we shouldn't let them in, they'll come over here with no money, no jobs or prospects of a job so will be prepared to do anything to survive ie crime !! We should never invite crime into the country

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compulsory military service is one of the reasons they give for fleeing.
I've read that a few times in news and opinion pieces, and unless there's something particularly bad or risky about the Eritrean national service (worse than, e.g. currently, Turkish conscripts being posted to the Turkey-Syria border), that is one reason under which I certainly would refuse refugee status.


Compulsory military service was a staple of men's lives for decades in most nations, including well developed ones such as the UK and France until relatively recently, and still is in many nations including EU ones, and in my eyes at least is 'a good thing' indeed.


If I'd tried to dodge my NS by trying to stay off-radar in the UK (or wherever), there would have been an international arrest warrant issued in my name by French military authorities, and SYP (or wherever's police, not to mention Légionnaires who used to be routinely assigned the task of tracking and catching NS dodgers) would have lifted me straight off the street. Then I'd get to spent the entirety of my NS in the brig after rendition.

Edited by L00b
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I've read that a few times in news and opinion pieces, and unless there's something particularly bad or risky about the Eritrean national service (worse than, e.g. currently, Turkish conscripts being posted to the Turkey-Syria border), that is one reason under which I certainly would refuse refugee status.


Compulsory military service was a staple of men's lives for decades in most nations, including well developed ones such as the UK and France until relatively recently, and still is in many nations including EU ones, and in my eyes at least is 'a good thing' indeed.


If I'd tried to dodge my NS by trying to stay off-radar in the UK (or wherever), there would have been an international arrest warrant issued in my name by French military authorities, and SYP (or wherever's police, not to mention Légionnaires who used to be routinely assigned the task of tracking and catching NS dodgers) would have lifted me straight off the street. Then I'd get to spent the entirety of my NS in the brig after rendition.


Quite right LOOb - I served as a regular when we had National Service, did no-o0ne any harm, made men out of boys, and gave them discipline. Yes, there were one or two made it clear they didn't want to be there but they soon learnt the error of their ways. Any "in clink" time was added to the end of their service.

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Apart from a few loons, most people here want to help put a stop to the number of people dying in the Med. They may have different means, but the ends are the same.


The EU should build a navy (which will be the result of this issue) and use it to block these boats form leaving port.

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Why can't they just go over and take the boats from the port??
I think you'll find international and maritime laws have a lot to say against that plan. Not to mention all those locals with genuine need and use of their own boats, such as fishermen and coastal passenger/cargo operators.
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How much will you be donating to help with their rescue and what will you personally be doing to help them after they land in Europe, will you be proving them with food, accommodation and how long will you provide this support?
You know nothing about what I contribute voluntarily in support of humanity. But a little bit from everybody who can afford it can do a lot more than is being offered here. I hope you are never to face the problems these people are facing.
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You know nothing about what I contribute voluntarily in support of humanity. But a little bit from everybody who can afford it can do a lot more than is being offered here. I hope you are never to face the problems these people are facing.


In which post did I say that I did know about what you contribute voluntarily in support of humanity.


Why not a lot from you instead of you deciding that everyone should contribute?

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In which post did I say that I did know about what you contribute voluntarily in support of humanity.


Why not a lot from you instead of you deciding that everyone should contribute?

I contribute as much as I can as a retiree, the widowers mite so to speak. You were talking as if you knew something about my situation, you're still doing it. I'm not arguing with you. I do not know if you could afford to help or not. All I was saying was that everybody who could help ought to try to. Even pennies from everyone in the US would amount to a very large sum. What the UK does is none of my business.:)
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