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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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If someone told me where I could contribute towards the repatriation of these potential parasites that are comming into, or attempting to come into europe and expecting to be to be taken care of then I would do so gladly.


Charity begins at home and there are plenty of issues that need addressing here without wasting any more money abroad.



And before some one raises the subject I think that; Emergency support like for the recent disaster victims in a completely seperate issue and has nothing to do with people that appear to be thinking that the grass is greener elsewhere and its easier to go there than address their own problems in their own countries.


Many of these immigrants appear to prefer to freeload on the legacy that our ancestors/predecesors... whatever left for us rather than put some effort into making things better for themselves in there own places of birth. Detracting from our living standards and life-syles or adding to the strain on our resources it would seem is fine as long as they are ok.


Sink their boats before or as they fill them even if that does cause a few unfortunate casualties it would cause far less than are drowing on an almost daily basis. Some times you have to be hard to be kind.



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If someone told me where I could contribute towards the repatriation of these potential parasites that are comming into, or attempting to come into europe and expecting to be to be taken care of then I would do so gladly.


Charity begins at home and there are plenty of issues that need addressing here without wasting any more money abroad.



And before some one raises the subject I think that; Emergency support like for the recent disaster victims in a completely seperate issue and has nothing to do with people that appear to be thinking that the grass is greener elsewhere and its easier to go there than address their own problems in their own countries.


Many of these immigrants appear to prefer to freeload on the legacy that our ancestors/predecesors... whatever left for us rather than put some effort into making things better for themselves in there own places of birth. Detracting from our living standards and life-syles or adding to the strain on our resources it would seem is fine as long as they are ok.


Sink their boats before or as they fill them even if that does cause a few unfortunate casualties it would cause far less than are drowing on an almost daily basis. Some times you have to be hard to be kind.




Indeed we did not get to where we are now by accident, it was earned through the blood of our ancestors through centuries of war. These migrants are abandoning their homelands to take advantage of what our ancestors have bequeathed to us, without having to bother fighting for it for their own countries.

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We live on a little round ball whirling in the vastness of space - nobody knows how we got here - never mind why - even though they come up with these fairytales about people like Jesus - Allah - the Norse Gods - the Roman Gods - the Greek Gods etc etc.


One of my favourite religions (though I follow none and btw the oldest of religions) is Hinduism - where emphasis is put on refraining from injuring living things, patience, forbearance, self-restraint, compassion, etc etc.


So wherever you're from and whatever you believe you should be entitled to an equal share of the resourses that are found on this little sphere - shouldn't you?


For we are advanced civilised beings are we not and in spite of religion we can rise above our perceived differences can't we?


And shouldn't we as an advanced and civilised nation - take responcibility for the 'younger' nations who have historically been exploited by the West and help resettle them in safe and fertile places?


Shouldn't we have learned to share the planet and it's resourses by now?

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You assume the places these people come from are completely barren, and the soil in our country is that much richer???


Get a grip you mug, they want to come here for money, not an 'equal' share of resources.

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The BBC have just done a piece on it here:



Rough estimates put it at 350 Eritreans and 200 Senegalese died on that large boat disaster.


Out of an estimated 750 people.

this year 86% of migrant deaths in the med are from sub-Saharan Africa.



People shy away from the truth and often will make the polite or if you prefer the acceptable noises that they feel that society expects of them.


I venture to suggest that if people are being honest to themselves then they will admit at least to themselves even if not out loud that in regard to refugees, immigrants, illegal immigrants or whatever people want to call them;



a) they do not want any more coming into the uk and don't really care how many get to europe as long as we dont have to contribute anything.


b) they do not really care what happens to any number of these people as long as they do not arrive here.


I will also say that if people really cared about what is happening to other people in other countries there would be no hunger, noone without access to clean potable water and we would collectively do away with oppressors.


If you really care about these things you would give up your wealth and sell your unnecessary possessions to help make these things right.


I have not done any of those things because to be honest to myself I do not really care about these people and I'm damn sure they don't care about me. The difference is I don't want or ask them to.


If you have done those things I'll admit you are a better person than I am. If you just rant about what I've said without doing what I said then you are probably just a hypocrite.


So just sink their boats, preferably before they get on them or just round them up and tow them back. Pick up people in danger of drowning byall means and then take them back.. they are not our problem



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People shy away from the truth and often will make the polite or if you prefer the acceptable noises that they feel that society expects of them.


I venture to suggest that if people are being honest to themselves then they will admit at least to themselves even if not out loud that in regard to refugees, immigrants, illegal immigrants or whatever people want to call them;



a) they do not want any more coming into the uk and don't really care how many get to europe as long as we dont have to contribute anything.


b) they do not really care what happens to any number of these people as long as they do not arrive here.


I will also say that if people really cared about what is happening to other people in other countries there would be no hunger, noone without access to clean potable water and we would collectively do away with oppressors.


If you really care about these things you would give up your wealth and sell your unnecessary possessions to help make these things right.


I have not done any of those things because to be honest to myself I do not really care about these people and I'm damn sure they don't care about me. The difference is I don't want or ask them to.


If you have done those things I'll admit you are a better person than I am. If you just rant about what I've said without doing what I said then you are probably just a hypocrite.


So just sink their boats, preferably before they get on them or just round them up and tow them back. Pick up people in danger of drowning byall means and then take them back.. they are not our problem



All I will say is, thank goodness you don't have the power to decide the fate of those people.
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All I will say is, thank goodness you don't have the power to decide the fate of those people.


I don't particularly want that power but would not shirk from it either.


What I am saying is that is wrong of these people to impose upon Italy the other eu countries amd the uk any responsibilty for their very misguided and most unwelcome attempts to come here and scrounge.


So far these lemming like actions have cost Italy a fortune which is Italy's fault for putting up with it. Now some of that cost is being inflicted on the eu and as a member of the eu that means us.. the uk .. yet its not our problem.


There are alternatives, comparatively inexpensive alternatives to letting them get anywhere near european shores.


In interviews on TV these people have said their targets are the uk and germany. We don't want them and we can't afford them.

Edited by Tommo68
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I don't particularly want that power.


What I am saying is that is wrong of these people to impose upon Italy the other eu countries amd the uk any responsibilty for their very misguided and most unwelcome attempts to come here and scrounge.


So far these lemming like actions have cost Italy a fortune which is Italy's fault for putting up with it. Now some of that cost is being inflicted on the eu as a member of the eu that means us.. the uk .. yet its not our problem.


There are alternatives, inexpensive alternative to letting them get anywhere near european shores. In interviews on TV these people have said their targets are the uk and germany. We don't want them and we can't afford them.


Selfish, cynical, smug, complacent, spineless and cowardly; morally and emotionally twisted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having just come from the frontline I'm going to stick my oar in.


Lesvos is just 6 km from Turkey. In the past 2 weeks 200 people a night have been coming over. They are taken first to Molyvos harbour where their details are taken. After a few hours they are driven to the capital of Lesvos before being medically assessed then sent to Athens to go into camps whilst their applications are processed.


The majority were Syrian and Afghan men. Laterly though we also got Burmese. There would be less women but occasionally a boat would come over with just women and babies.


The Greek coastguard patrol and if they can get to the boats before Greek territory they send them back to Turkey, if they are already in Greek waters they are duty bound to look after them. The Greek coastguard, locals and tourists do a lot try to help the refugees but this is not a Greek problem. They are poor enough as it is.


It is a Europe wide problem. Some of the refugees are heading for Denmark and Sweden, very few have UK as their first choice.


The obvious problem is that they are fleeing from war torn places or from persecution.


They are not destitute on the whole, they are professional people who have had to pay an awful lot of money to escape a **** hole. Many of them have been given money by their family to provide one of them with a way out. Why is that wrong? Would anyone on here not do the same?


It is the whole of Europe's problem, not just those at the borders of Turkey and Libya.


Every country should contribute to find and prosecute the trafficers, Turkey, Libya etc should do more to stop boats leaving, (easier said than done, Turkey is massive and I have doubts about the will of the Turkish regime) but most of all the war in Syria needs to end.


There are an estimated 1.8 million people in Turkey wanting to come to Europe. Now if that doesn't make the Kipper's wet their pants then nothing will, but by withdrawing from cooperating we just make the situation worse.


Anyway...a video showing the aftermath of refugees landing in Eftilou including babies..


And a blog about how the people of Molyvos are trying to help the refugees.


My OH went and helped the refugees a few times, took provisions, talked to them etc. I went birdwatching, but she's just so much nicer than I am.

Edited by taxman
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