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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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Why aren't the young men fleeing from Syria in the army to help end the "war" ?


Maybe they aren't all as brave as you. :rolleyes:



If Assad was barrel bombing you, please feel free to fight him with your bare hands

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Some of them are fighters and on their way here to wage war against the west.


Would that include the 8 month old baby in the video I posted? Or did you not bother to watch it? What would you do with it? Send it back? Come on, would love to hear your repatriation policies on 8 month old babies.

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Would that include the 8 month old baby in the video I posted? Or did you not bother to watch it? What would you do with it? Send it back? Come on, would love to hear your repatriation policies on 8 month old babies.


No it wouldn't include an 8 month old baby.

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If an army of fighters were waging war on your country wouldn't you join the army to protect your families and homeland ?

War is a dreadful thing but you can't always leave it to others to fight your battles for you especially in your own country.

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Having just come from the frontline I'm going to stick my oar in.


Lesvos is just 6 km from Turkey. In the past 2 weeks 200 people a night have been coming over. They are taken first to Molyvos harbour where their details are taken. After a few hours they are driven to the capital of Lesvos before being medically assessed then sent to Athens to go into camps whilst their applications are processed.


The majority were Syrian and Afghan men. Laterly though we also got Burmese. There would be less women but occasionally a boat would come over with just women and babies.


The Greek coastguard patrol and if they can get to the boats before Greek territory they send them back to Turkey, if they are already in Greek waters they are duty bound to look after them. The Greek coastguard, locals and tourists do a lot try to help the refugees but this is not a Greek problem. They are poor enough as it is.


It is a Europe wide problem. Some of the refugees are heading for Denmark and Sweden, very few have UK as their first choice.


The obvious problem is that they are fleeing from war torn places or from persecution.


They are not destitute on the whole, they are professional people who have had to pay an awful lot of money to escape a **** hole. Many of them have been given money by their family to provide one of them with a way out. Why is that wrong? Would anyone on here not do the same?


It is the whole of Europe's problem, not just those at the borders of Turkey and Libya.


Every country should contribute to find and prosecute the trafficers, Turkey, Libya etc should do more to stop boats leaving, (easier said than done, Turkey is massive and I have doubts about the will of the Turkish regime) but most of all the war in Syria needs to end.


There are an estimated 1.8 million people in Turkey wanting to come to Europe. Now if that doesn't make the Kipper's wet their pants then nothing will, but by withdrawing from cooperating we just make the situation worse.


Anyway...a video showing the aftermath of refugees landing in Eftilou including babies..


And a blog about how the people of Molyvos are trying to help the refugees.


My OH went and helped the refugees a few times, took provisions, talked to them etc. I went birdwatching, but she's just so much nicer than I am.

Taxman you have gutted me with you report and you are right , but! why is it only Europe's problem, what about Saudi Arabia, Turkey [gangsters], South Africa, India, Japan, China Australia, why always us ,why are we always the whipping boys for every cause that makes bad T.V viewing to the rest of this wide wide World.

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I concede the OP's point that this is a european problem in one sense but in another it is not and nor should it be, although we can help.


This is a problem experienced by a few thousand people who wish to enter illegally europe out of over 6 billion people in the world that could potentially wish to come to europe.


Unfortunately for them they have paid less than scrupulous people to provide transport by sea, often not fit for purpose, which puts their lives at risk and puts some unfair strain on europe generally and the governments of the european countries directly affected.


Hopefully at some point we will announce that the UK is not prepared to accept any of these people. It does appear thet dropping out of the european refugee illegal immigrant and foreign scroungers policies if not europe altogether we could save ourselves a lot of expense and inconvenience.


I think we can help in the spirit of collective cooperation with our near neighbours and does lookas though they need organising.


Firstly return all the illegal immigrants that have already reached europe to the nearest non-european shore and not just these 'boat people', there are loads in france trying to get HERE as well. This will help send a clear mesage


Much more should be done to inform these illegal immigrants...whatever.. that they are paying out a lot of money to take an extremely high risk of drowning only to be immediately returned to the nearest non-european shore. leaflet drops in a number of different languages might help and warnings on the bbc world service.. it has to be good for something. We then need to stick to that policy with no exceptions. A little cruel to be kind perhaps but it will work eventually.


We also need to sink any empty boats heading into the area. Any complaints should only be accepted if in writung then filed under 'for future lack of attention'. This will help remove temptation and both prevent and deter the criminal gangs that provide this mis-service.


Any boats at sea heading towards europe should be told to turn around or be towed back to the nearest non-european beach and rendered inoperable or sunk.


I accept that this may inflict a few casualties unfortunately but by far much fewer than the sinking boats are causing. The lesser of two evils I suppose.


Also to ebcourage the governments of the countries of departure we should either bill them or withhold aid to the value of the cost of these operations until they are unnecessary. Make them cooperate through financial pressure boycott their products etc.


Before people start objecting to my suggestions perhaps they would like to register their names and addresses centrally along with the number of these people that they are prepared to adopt at their own expense.


I would also point it that it is my firm belief that if the circumstances were reversed then as the europeans landed in africa they would be butchered on the beaches and left as carrion where they fell, once they had been stripped and robbed of all they had. Some females may be treated a little better I imagine. if you call slavery better.



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