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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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Why is 2014 proving such a terrible year? The answer is a combination of factors: war, upheaval and economic rout on Europe’s periphery; the cynicism of smugglers who can charge as much as $10,000 (£6,200) to move a person from A to B, even if B is the bottom of the ocean; the breakdown of law and order in one of the principal conduits for migrants – Libya; the Italian rescue mission which paradoxically may be encouraging more people to risk everything in overladen fishing vessels ill-equipped for the job.


ref: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/20/-sp-migrants-tales-asylum-sea-mediterranean


How am I wrong when you literally backed up what I said?

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It is going to get much worse. The compassion I see on this thread for our fellow humans is reassuring. There is so much we can be doing to assist these poor people prepared to risk everything to get away from the misery engulfing them.

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Well, here is one of the problems.


Population in 1973 Population 2013

Nigeria - 60 million - 173 million

Ethiopia - 31 million - 94 million

Cameroon - 7 million - 22 million

Sudan - 11 million - 38 million

Niger - 5 million - 18 million

Chad - 4 million - 13 million

Iraq - 11 million - 32 million


Part of the reason why there are so many illegal immigrants busting a gut to get to Europe is the population explosion in so many of these countries. And that is down to them, not us. Typically the population of the countries above has tripled in forty years. This isn't sustainable.


Turn the boat around, send them back. Sort yersen out.

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Bring in the navy. Bring them aboard, treat the sick and injured, feed the hungry, destroy the boats, take them back to north Africa and unload them at the nearest port.


Impose a naval embargo off shore and stop any further boats attempting to cross

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Well, here is one of the problems.


Population in 1973 Population 2013

Nigeria - 60 million - 173 million

Ethiopia - 31 million - 94 million

Cameroon - 7 million - 22 million

Sudan - 11 million - 38 million

Niger - 5 million - 18 million

Chad - 4 million - 13 million

Iraq - 11 million - 32 million


Part of the reason why there are so many illegal immigrants busting a gut to get to Europe is the population explosion in so many of these countries. And that is down to them, not us. Typically the population of the countries above has tripled in forty years. This isn't sustainable.


Turn the boat around, send them back. Sort yersen out.

Wow 173 million people in Nigeria,that is a phenomenal amount of people for that size of country there are only 141 million people in Russia.

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Wow 173 million people in Nigeria,that is a phenomenal amount of people for that size of country there are only 141 million people in Russia.


Seen the adverts on Sky about the young girls getting married at 10 and having kids galore,the countries in Africa need sorting so the people don't want to leave,only god can achieve this.

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I don't think it will...most of these people give up EVERYTHING they have to try to forge a better life for their families. I have no idea how terrible their lives must be to even consider that. These people aren't idiots, they are well aware that the odds of success are minimal but they would rather die trying to get to Europe than stay where they are. Nothing will stop them trying to get here except improving their situation where they are currently. The irony is that UKIP saying they will withdraw foreign aid will likely end up with greater illegal immigration to Europe and the UK as these peoples plight would get even worse making them even more desperate. Only solution is to improve the African economy and culture but we ain't gonna do that in my lifetime or possibly even my kids lifetimes!


And this is the problem . Europe is too appealing to these people , too welcoming . Make it less appealing and maybe these people wont take the risk trying to cross into mainland Europe to get to the UK .

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