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Immigrants dying in the Mediterranean

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Guest sibon
Human kindness be damned. Protect what we have.




Protect idiocy, cruelty and ignorance.


That seems to be what we have, based upon this thread.

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It is going to get much worse. The compassion I see on this thread for our fellow humans is reassuring. There is so much we can be doing to assist these poor people prepared to risk everything to get away from the misery engulfing them.


The problem is that small countries like ourselves and Italy are over crowded and we just don't have the room or the houses to contain these people.

Where are we going to house them, I believe it was 10,000 last month that made it to Italy.


How can we turn round to our people on the housing list and tell them we have to house the refugees first? Even Nigel Farage admitted he would accept refugees.

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How do we stop them wanting to try and come across risking their lives in the first place?


We throw money at these countries year in year out (although I wonder whether some countries need the money - India for example) and things broadly remain the same. If we keep letting people in they'll keep trying. If we turn them away (like austrailia) they'll keep trying. If we send them back (like America) they'll keep trying. Let them in and pressure will build it home.


No easy answers.

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It is going to get much worse. The compassion I see on this thread for our fellow humans is reassuring. There is so much we can be doing to assist these poor people prepared to risk everything to get away from the misery engulfing them.


Like what, what do you suggest and how many do you think you can help before helping them is no longer possible?


There are already poor people in Europe, people with no work, so just how will bringing more in help anyone?

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As they come ashore shoot them dead. If you find them on a boat, shoot them dead. They'll stop trying it soon enough.


Fellow members of Sheffield Forum, of all political persuasions, of all religious beliefs, of all ethnic backgrounds, do you not agree that the above post is the most disgusting ever displayed on this forum?

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Well, here is one of the problems.


Population in 1973 Population 2013

Nigeria - 60 million - 173 million

Ethiopia - 31 million - 94 million

Cameroon - 7 million - 22 million

Sudan - 11 million - 38 million

Niger - 5 million - 18 million

Chad - 4 million - 13 million

Iraq - 11 million - 32 million


Part of the reason why there are so many illegal immigrants busting a gut to get to Europe is the population explosion in so many of these countries. And that is down to them, not us. Typically the population of the countries above has tripled in forty years. This isn't sustainable.


Turn the boat around, send them back. Sort yersen out.


Well said.

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