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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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I'm saying that banning alcohol didn't stop people from drinking, banning drugs didn't stop people from taking drugs, and banning guns won't prevent people from having guns. And trying to enforce laws that no-one really wants just makes the job of the police harder.


Banning guns prevented people from having unlicensed guns in the UK and Australia, so please answer the question,


Are you saying that ordinary law abiding people will turn into psychopathic murderers if they can't have their gun without a license?


Or are you saying that murdererous psychopaths will have their unlicensed guns taken away?

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I'm saying if you try to take away the 300 million guns legally held by Americans, a lot of them are going to be highly resentful at both the Federal government and the police in general for doing so, just to appease a few liberals in coastal states, and you are going to get some violent altercations in the process. Not that I think the whole thing is even remotely feasible to start with.


The UK and Australia are very different countries to the US. You can't change the culture of a country through legislation. The latter has to reflect the former, not the other way round.


I can't believe anyone would think that banning guns would actually stop gun crime. Guess what? Gun crime is already illegal. That's why it's a crime.

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So are you saying that ordinary law abiding people will turn into psychopathic murderers if they can't have their gun without a license?


Or are you saying that murdererous psychopaths will have their unlicensed guns taken away?



It's a simple question.

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I'm saying if you try to take away the 300 million guns legally held by Americans, a lot of them are going to be highly resentful at both the Federal government and the police in general for doing so, just to appease a few liberals in coastal states, and you are going to get some violent altercations in the process. Not that I think the whole thing is even remotely feasible to start with.


The UK and Australia are very different countries to the US. You can't change the culture of a country through legislation. The latter has to reflect the former, not the other way round.


I can't believe anyone would think that banning guns would actually stop gun crime. Guess what? Gun crime is already illegal. That's why it's a crime.


Really, is that what you believe it's all about. Don't you think that the killers that rampage their way through schools murdering teachers and children may also have something to do with any potential motivation?

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Should gun law be tightened up ?


I think gun laws need to be tightened in America, but that seems to be an impossibility with the Powerful Gun Lobby. Even The President of America has his hands tied and seems unable to change the law.


I think Government in this country has done a lot of legislation in the past with regards to guns. When the ordinary policemen on the beat has to start and carry a gun then we need to look at change. Lets hope that never happens just yet.

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Really, is that what you believe it's all about. Don't you think that the killers that rampage their way through schools murdering teachers and children may also have something to do with any potential motivation?

It's irrelevent. Out of all the firearms deaths in the US in this or any other year, how many were killed by mass murderers? Maybe a hundredth of a percent? And how would banning guns stop that when there is such a demand for guns in America? You'd just be putting the gun supply in the hands of criminals, just like drugs now and alcohol in the 1930s. What purpose would it serve other than to make the governent look like it was doing something? The whole idea is a non-starter for a multitude of reasons. Wouldn't work, couldn't be done anyway, not enough people want it and not enough people would want to be the ones to attempt to enforce it.

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And how would banning guns stop that when there is such a demand for guns in America? You'd just be putting the gun supply in the hands of criminals


So what you are saying is that the people with illegally held guns will be identified as criminals once all the other guns are handed in or properly licensed. That sounds like a good thing. Get the smelting furnaces fired up, hand in and melt those guns, and arrest everyone who waves one about now that they are criminals.


Or are you saying that ordinary law abiding people will turn into psychopathic murderers if they can't have their gun without a license?


Or are you saying that murdererous psychopaths will have their unlicensed guns taken away?

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It's irrelevent. Out of all the firearms deaths in the US in this or any other year, how many were killed by mass murderers? Maybe a hundredth of a percent? And how would banning guns stop that when there is such a demand for guns in America? You'd just be putting the gun supply in the hands of criminals, just like drugs now and alcohol in the 1930s. What purpose would it serve other than to make the governent look like it was doing something? The whole idea is a non-starter for a multitude of reasons. Wouldn't work, couldn't be done anyway, not enough people want it and not enough people would want to be the ones to attempt to enforce it.


Show us how you came to a hundredth of a percent figure. I like to see your evidence.


Also if the motivation is irrelevant, why did you say that the motivation for greater control over fire arms comes from the need to please a few Liberals in the costal states?


So how many children do you believe have to die before America's relationship with the gun changes? Remember that things can change in spite of deep seated attitudes, look to see how the South was forced to give up their apartheid.

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Banning guns prevented people from having unlicensed guns in the UK and Australia, so please answer the question,


Are you saying that ordinary law abiding people will turn into psychopathic murderers if they can't have their gun without a license?


Or are you saying that murdererous psychopaths will have their unlicensed guns taken away?


Whilst I think Mr hazards figures have been plucked out of the sky, you're phrasing the question wrong - you've used the whole "are going to stop beating your wife" thing. They aren't going to turn into murderous psychopaths they will, in their eyes turn into revolutionaries defending their rights as their constitution expects them to. They will see gun control as we have it as un american. It's like getting Muslims to eat bacon - it's not happening. For great swathes of America, for right or wrong, want guns. Why they need an assault rifle, I've no idea - let alone half a dozen of them.


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 23:33 ----------


Show us how you came to a hundredth of a percent figure. I like to see your evidence.


Also if the motivation is irrelevant, why did you say that the motivation for greater control over fire arms comes from the need to please a few Liberals in the costal states?


So how many children do you believe have to die before America's relationship with the gun changes? Remember that things can change in spite of deep seated attitudes, look to see how the South was forced to give up their apartheid.


If they aren't going to do it after sandy hook they aren't going to be motivated to do it at all.

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