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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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I was relating to my shooting experiences here in the UK when posting about people been shot and injured. I agree in other parts of the world, things are very different relating to shooting instances.


As for the "macho" idea, I cannot see where this comes from. Clay shooting where all the shooters have their own guns, no one to impress there. Stalking deer, a solitary person activity, no one to impress there either. Game shooting where all the Ladies and Gents carry their own guns, so no one to impress there as well.


There are major concerns over this idea. Maybe it might take your mind off the shootists. http://www.lynxuk.org/


Well I wouldn't want to embarrass you but most of the examples of the accidental shootings I posted are right here in the U.K. Oh! You didn't notice? Riiiiight.

And just to be clear - I don't agree with you about anything you've written so far.


How very British you sound when you say that 'in other parts of the world, things are very different relating to shooting instances'. (Poor grammar btw).

You really - honestly - absolutely - don't know how guns and machismo are in any way related? Now you're starting to sound weirdly naive.


Ever seen Our Arney wave his piece above his head - abs rippling beneath sweat and blood as he finishes off the last of the alien army ... No? - Ok.

Well then - what about your hero - The Shootist - John Wayne - ooo - look how he grips that long thing and pumps it with his big veined hand ... No? - Ok.


So all clay pigeon shootists own their guns do they? And they don't have anyone to impress hey? Well I have friends who go clay shooting quite often - only two of them own or have ever owned guns. And I don't suppose it's ever occurred to you that the very people men enjoy impressing the most are other men - more so if the other men are involved in the same activity where a competitive element exists!!


You say that deer stalking is 'a solitary activity'? Funny - I've always thought that a Gillie went along with the shootist to hold his little danny in case he got fwightened or the naughty deer didn't want to play? And we all know that in all forms of shootisting it is the guide or Gillie who is the real hunter - the idiot behind the gun would be lucky to bag a deaf sheep as it slept without his experienced Gillie.


You save your best example till last - when you say -

'Game shooting where all the Ladies and Gents carry their own guns, so no one to impress there as well' ... I really did have to snigger at that one - you're saying that because all the 'ladies and gents carry their own guns' there is no one to impress?????????????


I don't know who has major concerns about the re-introduction of formerly indigenous species into the country but it certainly isn't me.

I'm pretty confident that the lynx would do a much better job of keeping down the deer population than any gun totin' tit ever could. And I'd rather take my chances of being attacked by a Lynx than being shot by some myopic moron who think they know what they're doing just because they subscribe to '.Shootist's Monthly'!


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 12:42 ----------


If there is something demeaning to a man's masculinity in connection with the use of firearms then maybe we should arm all our soldiers with knives and take away all the guns.


I never said that guns 'demean a man's masculinity' - I said that some shootists compensate for their lack of manliness by becoming shootisteristers.

I also said that guns should be kept in the hands of the police and the military only - do keep up!!


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 12:43 ----------


Well said;

I never heard of a shooting accident involving anyone I know.


I too shot for years without hitting a single person, admittedly I wasn't trying to.



Well I never - and I always thought that if anyone was accidentally shot - you would be bound to know them - just shows ya eh?

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Idiots need to be protected from themselves. That's why anti-gun, anti-hunting advocates think that both should be banned.


For the good of the minority over the interests of the majority


I'm neither anti guns nor anti hunting - I am only anti imbeciles who think that they are tough and powerful when they slaughter an animal with a piece of highly advanced technology.


Were they to go out and fashion a bow or catapult from tree and twine - then go off and make a clean(ish) kill I might be very slightly impressed.


Otherwise - with your state of the art rifle along with its telescopic sight complete with its massive magnification and parralax compensation etc etc - you really impress nobody take it from me.


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 13:08 ----------


Please do not feed the troll.


Indeed - it looks like you've eaten quite enough already.

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no, please do. Slikkwiver's coming out with some great prose :hihi:


Now that's praise indeed coming from one of the real cyber wordsmiths on this 'ere S.F!


(That's if you're not taking the oui oui - but if you are - oui oui off)!!

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I'm neither anti guns nor anti hunting - I am only anti imbeciles who think that they are tough and powerful when they slaughter an animal with a piece of highly advanced technology.


Were they to go out and fashion a bow or catapult from tree and twine - then go off and make a clean(ish) kill I might be very slightly impressed.


Otherwise - with your state of the art rifle along with its telescopic sight complete with its massive magnification and parralax compensation etc etc - you really impress nobody take it from me.


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 13:08 ----------



Indeed - it looks like you've eaten quite enough already.


Good point. That's exactly why our armed forces should all be armed with crossbows and catapults. :hihi:


They cant be real men if they carry anything a bit more modern can they?


As for slaughtering a 250 pound wild hog with a knife :hihi: I don't know what kind of wild hogs there are in Britain but the breed here has a hide as tough and thick as old leather


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 18:36 ----------


Well I wouldn't want to embarrass you but most of the examples of the accidental shootings I posted are right here in the U.K. Oh! You didn't notice? Riiiiight.

And just to be clear - I don't agree with you about anything you've written so far.


How very British you sound when you say that 'in other parts of the world, things are very different relating to shooting instances'. (Poor grammar btw).

You really - honestly - absolutely - don't know how guns and machismo are in any way related? Now you're starting to sound weirdly naive.


Ever seen Our Arney wave his piece above his head - abs rippling beneath sweat and blood as he finishes off the last of the alien army ... No? - Ok.

Well then - what about your hero - The Shootist - John Wayne - ooo - look how he grips that long thing and pumps it with his big veined hand ... No? - Ok.


So all clay pigeon shootists own their guns do they? And they don't have anyone to impress hey? Well I have friends who go clay shooting quite often - only two of them own or have ever owned guns. And I don't suppose it's ever occurred to you that the very people men enjoy impressing the most are other men - more so if the other men are involved in the same activity where a competitive element exists!!


You say that deer stalking is 'a solitary activity'? Funny - I've always thought that a Gillie went along with the shootist to hold his little danny in case he got fwightened or the naughty deer didn't want to play? And we all know that in all forms of shootisting it is the guide or Gillie who is the real hunter - the idiot behind the gun would be lucky to bag a deaf sheep as it slept without his experienced Gillie.


You save your best example till last - when you say -

'Game shooting where all the Ladies and Gents carry their own guns, so no one to impress there as well' ... I really did have to snigger at that one - you're saying that because all the 'ladies and gents carry their own guns' there is no one to impress?????????????


I don't know who has major concerns about the re-introduction of formerly indigenous species into the country but it certainly isn't me.

I'm pretty confident that the lynx would do a much better job of keeping down the deer population than any gun totin' tit ever could. And I'd rather take my chances of being attacked by a Lynx than being shot by some myopic moron who think they know what they're doing just because they subscribe to '.Shootist's Monthly'!


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 12:42 ----------



I never said that guns 'demean a man's masculinity' - I said that some shootists compensate for their lack of manliness by becoming shootisteristers.

I also said that guns should be kept in the hands of the police and the military only - do keep up!!


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 12:43 ----------




Well I never - and I always thought that if anyone was accidentally shot - you would be bound to know them - just shows ya eh?


Stalin. Hitler and Kim Il Sung would heartily agree with you on that point





We have to remember that fools and idiots have to be protected at all costs from themselves. That's why it makes sense to make sure no one has the right to bear arms.

Edited by Harleyman
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