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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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Good point. That's exactly why our armed forces should all be armed with crossbows and catapults. :hihi:


They cant be real men if they carry anything a bit more modern can they?


As for slaughtering a 250 pound wild hog with a knife :hihi: I don't know what kind of wild hogs there are in Britain but the breed here has a hide as tough and thick as old leather


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 18:36 ----------



Stalin. Hitler and Kim Il Sung would heartily agree with you on that point





We have to remember that fools and idiots have to be protected at all costs from themselves. That's why it makes sense to make sure no one has the right to bear arms.


You have a novel idea of debate - you make the leap from me saying that -


"I'm against imbeciles who think that they're tough when they slaughter an animal with a piece of highly advanced technology - were these tough guys able to fashion a bow or catapult from tree and twine - and then make a clean(ish) kill - I might be slightly impressed."

You go from that to suggesting that I'm saying that the armed forces should be equipped with catapults and bows!!!


Then you say - They (the armed forces) cant be real men if they carry anything a bit more modern can they?


Then to totally screw yourself you say that the world's dictators and zealots would agree with me - that guns should be in the hands of the forces and the police???


Making up non-existent statements really is a low and underhand tactic - and one that most on here spot immediately - we've seen it all before.


If you didn't try so hard to be the archetypal 'American' (that you will never be) you might be taken more seriously.


This, your final piece of (il)logic typifies your weird slant on replying to things that have not been said -


'We have to remember that fools and idiots have to be protected at all costs from themselves. That's why it makes sense to make sure no one has the right to bear arms'.

Edited by Slikkwiver
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You have a novel idea of debate - you make the leap from me saying that -


"I'm against imbeciles who think that they're tough when they slaughter an animal with a piece of highly advanced technology - were these tough guys able to fashion a bow or catapult from tree and twine - and then make a clean(ish) kill - I might be slightly impressed."

You go from that to suggesting that I'm saying that the armed forces should be equipped with catapults and bows!!!


Then you say - They (the armed forces) cant be real men if they carry anything a bit more modern can they?


Then to totally screw yourself you say that the world's dictators and zealots would agree with me - that guns should be in the hands of the forces and the police???


Making up non-existent statements really is a low and underhand tactic - and one that most on here spot immediately - we've seen it all before.


If you didn't try so hard to be the archetypal 'American' (that you will never be) you might be taken more seriously.


This, your final piece of (il)logic typifies your weird slant on replying to things that have not been said -


'We have to remember that fools and idiots have to be protected at all costs from themselves. That's why it makes sense to make sure no one has the right to bear arms'.


I geddit ! Hollywood hunting style. Raquel Welch slaughtering a dinosaur with a home made bow and arrow in "2 million years BC" :hihi: and then there's Sylvester Stallone surviving in the rugged mountain wilderness in "First Blood" :hihi: holding off a whole Company of State Militia with primitive home made weapons


I could do my "Deliverance" bit next time I go hunting riding a 250 pound hog yelling "Let me hear ya squeal boy" :hihi:


You don't know much about hunting. You've already admitted it. Wild hogs are a menace. Nobody likes them. They destroy and damage crops wherever they are. Perhaps if you were a farmer you'd be glad to see then killed the modern way after you've suffered losses in damage, Poncing around with home made bows and arrows wouldn't solve the problem. There's plenty of them along the coast areas where I live.

Call it efficient pest control


Do you eat meat? How do you feel about "defenseless animals" being pushed up a ramp with an electric prod then shot through the head with a .22 ? Happens to thousands of them every day of the week.


Maybe these slaughter house guys should really get tough and break their necks with their bare hands or stab em with a knife fashioned from a nearby wooden telephone pole" :hihi:


Your problem is that you're against hunting of any kind and you just try to get around your bias against anyone who hunts by making them out to be some kind of lesser human being.


---------- Post added 13-05-2015 at 20:34 ----------


I've no idea what you're actually arguing about anymore.


Gun law in the UK is extremely tight anyway, there is no reason to adjust it.


You can tighten gun laws until the pips squeak just as long as the criminals agree to abide by them

Edited by Harleyman
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You don't know much about hunting. You've already admitted it. Wild hogs are a menace. Nobody likes them.

Call it efficient pest control


Do you eat meat? How do you feel about "defenseless animals" being pushed up a ramp with an electric prod then shot through the head with a .22 ? Happens to thousands of them every day of the week.

Maybe these slaughter house guys should really get tough and break their necks with their bare hands or stab em with a knife fashioned from a nearby wooden telephone pole" :hihi:


Your problem is that you're against hunting of any kind and you just try to get around your bias against anyone who hunts by making them out to be some kind of lesser human being.


Now read this slowly and carefully - THIS IS WHAT I'M SAYING - forget about what you SAY I'M SAYING and read what I AM SAYING - ok?


I know that you might find following a logical sequence of debate confusing so I'll keep it simple.


1: I have no problem with hunting - given that the hunt is necessary for the survival of the hunter and his/her family or tribe.


2: I have no problem with culling animals as long as the cull is genuinely necessary and is carried out in a humane manner - don't you understand how fundamentally wrong it is to ENJOY destroying life?


3: My problem is with sadists - who have no imperative to survive but merely enjoy killing and have no respect whatsoever for their unfortunate victim.


4: You show how little respect you have for wildlife when you say - "Wild hogs are a menace. Nobody likes them".


What you mean is that YOU don't like them - that's clear - don't you see that 'not liking' something is insufficient grounds for blowing their heads off?


5: I was wondering when you'd come up with the 'do you eat meat' argument. Well yes I do eat meat and I have no problem eating humanely reared and slaughtered animals - over here we stun our animals before killing them with a retained bolt gun - not with a 2.2 bullet as you seem to think happens in America, though I very much doubt it.


6: As I said - you are trying too hard to be 'American' we stopped thinking of Americans as muscle bound 'Clint Eastwoods' after seeing John Wayne trying to act the part of a Roman Centurion in the film - 'The Robe'.


7: The thought of you prowling around with high powered weapons looking for things that, 'you don't like' and drooling at the thought of your next head-shot is becoming increasingly disturbing. :shocked:

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Now read this slowly and carefully - THIS IS WHAT I'M SAYING - forget about what you SAY I'M SAYING and read what I AM SAYING - ok?


I know that you might find following a logical sequence of debate confusing so I'll keep it simple.


1: I have no problem with hunting - given that the hunt is necessary for the survival of the hunter and his/her family or tribe.


2: I have no problem with culling animals as long as the cull is genuinely necessary and is carried out in a humane manner - don't you understand how fundamentally wrong it is to ENJOY destroying life?


3: My problem is with sadists - who have no imperative to survive but merely enjoy killing and have no respect whatsoever for their unfortunate victim.


4: You show how little respect you have for wildlife when you say - "Wild hogs are a menace. Nobody likes them".


What you mean is that YOU don't like them - that's clear - don't you see that 'not liking' something is insufficient grounds for blowing their heads off?


5: I was wondering when you'd come up with the 'do you eat meat' argument. Well yes I do eat meat and I have no problem eating humanely reared and slaughtered animals - over here we stun our animals before killing them with a retained bolt gun - not with a 2.2 bullet as you seem to think happens in America, though I very much doubt it.


6: As I said - you are trying too hard to be 'American' we stopped thinking of Americans as muscle bound 'Clint Eastwoods' after seeing John Wayne trying to act the part of a Roman Centurion in the film - 'The Robe'.


7: The thought of you prowling around with high powered weapons looking for things that, 'you don't like' and drooling at the thought of your next head-shot is becoming increasingly disturbing. :shocked:



Define "American" I really think you haven't a clue what you're talking about :D

Edited by esme
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5: I was wondering when you'd come up with the 'do you eat meat' argument. Well yes I do eat meat and I have no problem eating humanely reared and slaughtered animals - over here we stun our animals before killing them with a retained bolt gun - not with a 2.2 bullet as you seem to think happens in America, though I very much doubt it.


You mean you prefer to corrall animals into a crush pen, stuff them into a lorry, drive them perhaps hundreds of miles to slaughter which is exceedingly stressful for them, mix them with more unfamiliar animals and then take them intoa room where you hoist them up in the air before stunning, or crush cage them before stunning, and then finally killing them?


I shoot mine from cover. The deer doesn't know im there, and when an expanding .308 round hits it then it's no wiser as it's lights out with no stress at all...


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 17:22 ----------



Define "American" I really think you haven't a clue what you're talking about :D


You may think that Harley - I know he hasn't a clue what he's talking about...


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 17:23 ----------


What has your post got to do with gun laws? (In the UK)


It's guns, therefore much frothing at the mouth.


They don't need a reason to froth much - they just object for whatever reason suits them and then should "laws we need moar laws" because that obviously is er bound to work...

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Wild hogs are destructive to farmland and I am only one of many who land owners allow on their property to get rid of them or keep them from breeding in large numbers. I make no money from it. State law does not allow hunters to sell the carcasses for profit. I wouldn't shoot a hog who still has her young dependent on her.


I've been inside a slaughterhouse, seen cattle herded into a pen, an employee above on a catwalk prodding them up a ramp with the use of an electric prod which must be painful to the beast and then shot through the brain with a .22 which kills them instantly. They are then winched up on a chain and their guts opened up with knives to bleed. After the hides and meat have been stripped off, the skulls, bones and guts are loaded onto big trucks that look like trash trucks and sent to a rendering plant where the bones are crushed up to make bone meal, the guts turned into dog food and tallow. All done so that we can barbecue steaks on a grill on a sunny Sunday afternoon



Farmers up around Yellowstone National Park shoot wolves that stray onto their property. Yes those beautiful wild beasts that look so much like dogs in many ways. I suppose when a farmer sees his sheep torn up and mangled he's bound to feel a bit upset


I suppose also that anyone unfortunate enough to get stranded in mid winter up in the High Sierras would very quickly lose their moral sense of outrage at shooting a defenseless beast with a rifle instead of the stupid notion of using a bow and arrow and knife instead.


As for "American" John Wayne aint necessarily "it" because this country is a land of many cultures, ethnics and languages united under one flag. one government and one constitution


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 17:22 ----------


You mean you prefer to corrall animals into a crush pen, stuff them into a lorry, drive them perhaps hundreds of miles to slaughter which is exceedingly stressful for them, mix them with more unfamiliar animals and then take them intoa room where you hoist them up in the air before stunning, or crush cage them before stunning, and then finally killing them?


I shoot mine from cover. The deer doesn't know im there, and when an expanding .308 round hits it then it's no wiser as it's lights out with no stress at all...


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 17:22 ----------



You may think that Harley - I know he hasn't a clue what he's talking about...


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 17:23 ----------



It's guns, therefore much frothing at the mouth.


They don't need a reason to froth much - they just object for whatever reason suits them and then should "laws we need moar laws" because that obviously is er bound to work...


That's why I hold no faith in the kind of people who although well intentioned and full of concern for their fellow beings constantly try to convince everyone that if all guns were outlawed and strict rules were enforced to make sure they were then everything would be just fine,


Whether they are deluded by their own naivety, just stupid or just against fire arms for any other reason is something to think about.


The UK is a far different country than the US. What works there wouldn't work here. Although 90 percent of us are likely never the victims of violence there are enough bad asses around to justify having a weapon for home protection if the need ever arose.


Gun control would only mean that the police, military and the criminals would be armed and while the former two are of little concern the latter isn't something to be complacent about

Edited by Harleyman
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You just can't do it can you big tough motorbikerman?


You just can't reply to the actual posts that I write - you just fly off on one of your imaginary reposts to things that I've not even said!!


Go back to my post and answer the numbered points one by one - if you can.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 21:17 ----------


You mean you prefer to corrall animals into a crush pen, stuff them into a lorry, drive them perhaps hundreds of miles to slaughter which is exceedingly stressful for them, mix them with more unfamiliar animals and then take them intoa room where you hoist them up in the air before stunning, or crush cage them before stunning, and then finally killing them?


I shoot mine from cover. The deer doesn't know im there, and when an expanding .308 round hits it then it's no wiser as it's lights out with no stress at all...


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 17:22 ----------



Your meat may be treated in that way however my free range meat is reared in humane conditions and is similarly dispatched humanely. Costs a wee bit more but - aaah - it's great for the old conscience.


You mean you use - an EXPANDING .303 ROUND????????????????

Wow that sounds sooooo impressive - except that it doesn't impress me at all.


Now if you were killing these deadly man eating beasts by first chasing them to bay over miles and miles of Jellystone Park in your bare feet - then biting their heads off with your bare teeeeeeth - I might just be very very slightly impressed - but not enough to really notice.



---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 21:19 ----------


What has your post got to do with gun laws? (In the UK)


Oh my gosh! I'm well off topic aren't I?


If you feel that I'm contravening forum rules feel free to go to moderation.


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You just can't do it can you big tough motorbikerman?


You just can't reply to the actual posts that I write - you just fly off on one of your imaginary reposts to things that I've not even said!!


Go back to my post and answer the numbered points one by one - if you can.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 21:17 ----------



Your meat may be treated in that way however my free range meat is reared in humane conditions and is similarly dispatched humanely. Costs a wee bit more but - aaah - it's great for the old conscience.


You mean you use - an EXPANDING .303 ROUND????????????????

Wow that sounds sooooo impressive - except that it doesn't impress me at all.


Now if you were killing these deadly man eating beasts by first chasing them to bay over miles and miles of Jellystone Park in your bare feet - then biting their heads off with your bare teeeeeeth - I might just be very very slightly impressed - but not enough to really notice.



---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 21:19 ----------



Oh my gosh! I'm well off topic aren't I?


If you feel that I'm contravening forum rules feel free to go to moderation.



With the price of meat rising ever higher that's a luxury most cannot afford and when it comes to feeding a population of millions that method is neither practical nor efficient.


I dare say that the self righteous when entertaining at supper like to point out to their guests that the meat they are stuffing themselves with is "free range my deah" and it goes awfully well with an '82 Pinot Noir :D


Anyway is this all about impressing you? Does it really matter if you're impressed or not? Hardly so :D



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