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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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I can think of some things that could and should be done.


A far more comprehensive background check for potential gun buyers.


An end to gun shows where guns are sold. Many guns get into the hands of people without a proper background check being done.


A ban on certain types of high capacity clips.


Here's the downside.


Gun shows are highly popular in this country. In Los Angeles County they were banned several years ago. Other counties and other counties in other States might refuse to do the same. The laws governing gun shows are not within the jurisdiction of the Federal Government as far as I'm aware.


Obama is powerless to introduce any laws governing gun ownership unless approved by Congress and the NRA oppose any measure that would restrict the use of guns


As far as background checks go how does anyone know whether a potential gun owner is mentally stable or not ? Obviously a person with a criminal record of violence, a history of mental problems, spousal abuse etc is automatically barred from buying a gun... but what about the person who has no criminal record, no record of mental problems nor spousal abuse ?


If that person is allowed a firearm but later on in time goes off the rails due to stress or problems that have blurred his judgement then that's where background checks were meaningless in his case.


Many shootings are caused by domestic problems that suddenly occur. A common one is for want of a better expression "crimes of passion" A wife or girlfriend suddenly decide to end the relationship and the abandoned party lose all control and decide to do something very rash. Rational thinking and self control are not part of the mental makeup of everyone


The media cannot be censored. Mass shootings get intense coverage and the loner with a grudge against anyone or anything just decides to get his name in the news even if means a name associated with evil.


I certainly have no solution to it and really when it comes down to it not many do it seems.


I was sickened and stunned by the shooting yesterday in Roseburg, Oregon.


Oregon is one of my favourite States. The horrible thing is that this kind of atrocity can happen anywhere

Edited by Harleyman
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Gun crime has consistently been higher post-Dunblane than it was before that tragedy. The only thing banning guns has done has stopped law-abiding people from having them. Somewhat surprisingly, criminals don't care about the law and are more tooled-up than ever.


So what have you got to back this up or did you just make it up?


---------- Post added 02-10-2015 at 20:40 ----------


legal gun owners are not a problem it is licenced and policed very well no need to increase any legislation. illegal guns on the other hand are unlicenced obviously, untraceable origin usually and if a crimminal really want to get hold of a gun and has enough money and connections it wouldnt take long to get one.


If you are talking about the USA then this is nonsense. People arent too bothered about criminals shooting criminals. they are bothered when the mass shootings are innocent members of the piblic be they in school, at work or at the cinema. These crimes are commited with legal guns, they dont even have to be owned by the perp, but might be owned by a parent as part of their gun collection. This makes legal gun owners a problem because a % of them are prone to going postal.

Edited by 999tigger
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I can't think of 1 good reason for tightening gun laws in the US. People can still own guns, hunt and shoot for fun. Just tighten up the regulations. It's far too easy to get your hands on a gun in the US. And, if I hear the words "second amendment" used as an excuse again!?


The second amendment isn't an excuse it's a major part of American life. A large portion of Americans see this how me and you might see a car crash, tragic but an avoidable part of life.


---------- Post added 02-10-2015 at 22:43 ----------


Well widespread gun ownership in America has done so much to reduce crime there.



Murder Rates Rising Sharply in Many U.S. Cities [New York Times, 31 August 2015]


The New Nationwide Crime Wave [Wall Street Journal, May 29, 2015]


I haven't read either of these (why let facts get in the way ;););)) but a lot of the bigger cities (NYC in particular) have quite strict gun laws compared with places like rural Texas.

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The second amendment isn't an excuse it's a major part of American life. A large portion of Americans see this how me and you might see a car crash, tragic but an avoidable part of life.


---------- Post added 02-10-2015 at 22:43 ----------



I haven't read either of these (why let facts get in the way ;););)) but a lot of the bigger cities (NYC in particular) have quite strict gun laws compared with places like rural Texas.


This is a quote:


Here's a good time to remind everyone that the Second Amendment was written by slaveholders before we had electricity, much less the kind of weaponry that would-be murderers can buy today. But sure, if you think it's that precious, we can compromise: If you love the Second Amendment*that*much, feel free to live in a powdered wig and **** in a chamberpot while trying to survive off what you can kill with an 18th century musket. In exchange, let those of us living in this century pass some laws so we can feel safe going to class, or the movies, or*anywhere*without worrying that some maladjusted man will try to get his revenge by raining death on random strangers.

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This is a quote:


Here's a good time to remind everyone that the Second Amendment was written by slaveholders before we had electricity, much less the kind of weaponry that would-be murderers can buy today. But sure, if you think it's that precious, we can compromise: If you love the Second Amendment*that*much, feel free to live in a powdered wig and **** in a chamberpot while trying to survive off what you can kill with an 18th century musket. In exchange, let those of us living in this century pass some laws so we can feel safe going to class, or the movies, or*anywhere*without worrying that some maladjusted man will try to get his revenge by raining death on random strangers.


A quote from who? Someone who wants gun control in states. I could find enough to crash the forum backing the second amendment.

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The second amendment isn't an excuse it's a major part of American life. A large portion of Americans see this how me and you might see a car crash, tragic but an avoidable part of life.


---------- Post added 02-10-2015 at 22:43 ----------



I haven't read either of these (why let facts get in the way ;););)) but a lot of the bigger cities (NYC in particular) have quite strict gun laws compared with places like rural Texas.


Yes and what good does it do when there's a very good chance that a mugger might stick a gun in your face ?

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Happened yet again in a "gun free zone" which the gunman would have known. People here just dont understand the US gun culture is engrained in their society. No man that is prepared to gun down a load of innocent people is going to care about legislation, and there will always be a gun available.


It's almost like this, cannabis IS illegal in this country but anyone can get a hold of it there's loads everywhere. By forcing things underground there will be less control because the guns will always be there. There are 0.89 guns per person in the US. Think about that.


They need to look after their sick and mentally Ill people better and understand why people tick in certain ways. Prescribing Prozak all the time doesnt help either. Their school's colleges etc need a trained firearms person on site

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Yes and what good does it do when there's a very good chance that a mugger might stick a gun in your face ?


No your right and New Yorkers being such quiet and retiring types I'm sure if they were all tooled up they wouldn't start shooting each other over parking spaces.

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No your right and New Yorkers being such quiet and retiring types I'm sure if they were all tooled up they wouldn't start shooting each other over parking spaces.


Just for your info most New Yorkers don't drive in the city with cars. They use public transport.


---------- Post added 03-10-2015 at 05:13 ----------


Happened yet again in a "gun free zone" which the gunman would have known. People here just dont understand the US gun culture is engrained in their society. No man that is prepared to gun down a load of innocent people is going to care about legislation, and there will always be a gun available.


It's almost like this, cannabis IS illegal in this country but anyone can get a hold of it there's loads everywhere. By forcing things underground there will be less control because the guns will always be there. There are 0.89 guns per person in the US. Think about that.


They need to look after their sick and mentally Ill people better and understand why people tick in certain ways. Prescribing Prozak all the time doesnt help either. Their school's colleges etc need a trained firearms person on site




Just exactly how would that work in a country with a population of the size it is? We're not talking about the Principality of Monaco you know :D

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