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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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Why ever not? There have been over ten thousand gun deaths in the USA so far this year.


In the UK? A handful.


8,500 is short of 10,000, but lets not quibble America is a huge place compared to the uk and nearly all the deaths will be from illegally held guns so whats your point??

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8,500 is short of 10,000, but lets not quibble America is a huge place compared to the uk and nearly all the deaths will be from illegally held guns so whats your point??


Did those illegally held guns start out illegal?


---------- Post added 04-10-2015 at 18:37 ----------


Did we ever find out which country the OP was referring to?

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"Very roughly speaking" What's that supposed to mean? Your meandering post above makes it sound like the weapon that fits the approved category is a flintlock type, 18th century musket


Oh look hes back in the 1700s again.


Read the links I gave you. Stop being lazy.

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8,500 is short of 10,000, but lets not quibble America is a huge place compared to the uk and nearly all the deaths will be from illegally held guns so whats your point??


I'd love to see the numbers backing up that last bit. The shooting in Oregon was done with legal weapons. Police shootings are likely to be that number as are a big chunk of suicides with a gun.

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I'd love to see the numbers backing up that last bit. The shooting in Oregon was done with legal weapons. Police shootings are likely to be that number as are a big chunk of suicides with a gun.


i thought we were talking about killings !!! not suicides.

all weapons start off legally they are acquired by criminals by theft or some other way by illegals.

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What you said actually made sense, until you went way over the top! Just do a background check. Any history of mental health etc. No gun. It might not solve the mass shooting issue, but it will sure as hell make a difference.


---------- Post added 04-10-2015 at 18:23 ----------



Is it not possible to profile people who want to buy a gun? Mental health records etc?


As I said before, it's not perfect and wouldn't stop 'nutters' with no mental health records buying a gun, but it would be a start!



They can do only so much. It would take a whole new bureaucracy to set up a system for mental health checks. At present the restrictions run to criminal history, spousal abuse and possibly, but not sure, dishonourable discharge from the military. Non citizens, except those holding permanent residence visas also disqualified


A firearms retailer can check a person's background just by giving details of that person to law enforcement agencies. The FBI can pull up anyone's name connected with inter-state criminal activities


I do not think that there's any viable way that a person's mental health background could be checked very easily at all. There must be a few thousand mental health institutions scattered across the country so where would you be able to start? There's no central data system unlike

law enforcement and why should there be ? Being treated for mental health problems in an institution is not a crime of any sort and such institutions are bound by confidentiality between doctor and patient laws anyway


---------- Post added 04-10-2015 at 18:01 ----------


Oh look hes back in the 1700s again.


Read the links I gave you. Stop being lazy.


Well I'm not that bothered really thanks very much. I don't see me applying for a firearm in the UK in this life and even if I did they wouldn't probably give me one anyway but there are illegal firearms in circulation in the UK but not on the scale or type of those in the US.


My nephew who is a member of the Cheshire Constabulary was assigned in the past to stop and search duties on the motorways to check for drugs and firearms

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That right there is an argument for tighter gun control.


rubbish! illegal guns and legal guns can be found anywhere and imported illegally through borders, how will legislation affect that? all guns start off as legal and to obtain one legally takes legislation that is in place, which criminal will apply legally?? none, they will steal weapons or import them!

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All the arguments for or against gun ownership in America account to nothing. You can tell us forever that the UK is perfect compared to us, and who is to argue with you, not me. But why do you continue to brag about it? I suppose it makes you feel superior as a country, which you are not. It is our problem to face, and ours alone. While ever there is a fair mix of those who want to ban guns and those who do not, no referendum will ever change anything, and no National party of either persuasion has the guts to change things. So continue if you wish, or talk about something else. I'm heartily sick of reading the crap. If you can't be constructive, shut up.

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I'm heartily sick of reading the crap. If you can't be constructive, shut up.


Or just go to American forums and stop reading SF in order for you to be heartily well. :roll:


And stop crying for Christ's sake, you're embarrassing yourself you pussy.

Edited by cassity
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