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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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You mean you are such a poor shot you have to brag it's good when you do get a clean shot in?




You've no idea what I have on my ticket nor anything about the process. You are just bull bluff and bluster - I'm fairly certain you don't know one end of a rifle from another. Certainly you dont know how to hunt.


I think in fact the name harleyman is wrong. Mitty I think is more like it. Walter Mitty.


Ha! :hihi::hihi: Believe what you like.I can't prove anything. I think that the name Obelix is more like Obolax


Anyway I'll let you have the last word Dear :hihi: This back and forth with you is like arguing with a difficult and petulant woman.


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 05:21 ----------


I though the USA was actually mainly founded on refugees as I cant see any native Americans in charge.


Trouble is though you still have a great deal of religious nutters that are still prepared to "Kill a Gook For God" or for other stupid reasons as simple as "I can."


Around 3000 people died in the September 11 attacks and are remembered each year because it was a terrorist attack. Over 10,000 have died this year alone from gun related deaths which could be prevented, and yet people like to forget that because they were home grown gun deaths.


Something is seriously wrong with that.



I wouldn't doubt that number but I will say that statistics show that most of those deaths are caused by criminal activity, inter gang warfare in the poorer areas of the large cities, Chicago, Detroit , St Louis, New Orleans. Miami, New York and Los Angeles.


If you're looking for some expression of concern you wont find it from me.

I have none to spare for drug dealers and pimps and at least the prisons already overcrowded with scumbags of the same ilk wont reach the point where there's no way to accommodate them


I live in a nice peaceful town, family orientated and with a strong Christian influence,,, good Christians not religious nutters.



I live my life, enjoy it and neither bother nor harm anyone. I don't mind arguing about such issues on a forum but I don't bear a cross on my back for all the people who live bad lives and die from gun shots. To put it plainly I could not care less.

Edited by Harleyman
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Is it not possible to profile people who want to buy a gun? Mental health records etc?


As I said before, it's not perfect and wouldn't stop 'nutters' with no mental health records buying a gun, but it would be a start!


Exactly, it would only highlight people who have been diagnosed. There'd still be plenty (a majority, I'd guess) who aren't diagnosed and many more who are 'dangerous' for other reasons.

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If you're looking for some expression of concern you wont find it from me.

I have none to spare for drug dealers and pimps and at least the prisons already overcrowded with scumbags of the same ilk wont reach the point where there's no way to accommodate them


I live in a nice peaceful town, family orientated and with a strong Christian influence,,, good Christians not religious nutters.



I live my life, enjoy it and neither bother nor harm anyone. I don't mind arguing about such issues on a forum but I don't bear a cross on my back for all the people who live bad lives and die from gun shots. To put it plainly I could not care less.


I suppose the most recent campus massacre was really a gun fight between rival gangs, just like all the previous ones.

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shall we restrict kitchen Knives also? what about cars?:roll:


We already do.


-You have to be a certain age to buy a knife and can only use certain size/type knives in certain places.


-You have to be a certain age to drive and you can only drive in certain places at certain speeds in certain directions.


Are guns useful in a kitchen, gardening or carpentry?

Can a gun carry you and others + luggage to another location?


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 10:01 ----------


I suppose the most recent campus massacre was really a gun fight between rival gangs, just like all the previous ones.


Harley swings between blaming single white men for the majority of shootings and blaming criminal gangs for..... the other majority (????) of shootings.


He's also claimed that if cops weren't armed he'd have to shoot criminals himself from his own doorstep while in other posts claims he lives in a lovely neighbourhood where there's no crime.


A man of stable thought who owns guns.


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 10:09 ----------


I sleep safely in my bed at night because of the thin blue line out there. Were it otherwise I'd have to stand post and defend house and kin at the point of a gun

I live in a nice peaceful town, family orientated and with a strong Christian influence,,, good Christians not religious nutters.


Are you saying you'd stay up all night shooting good Christians? :suspect:

Edited by RootsBooster
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shall we restrict kitchen Knives also? what about cars?:roll:


We do restrict cars... And we restrict the sale of kitchen knives...


But then when did someone last use a kitchen knife to kill multiple school or college kids? Or indeed a car for the same reason.

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