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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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Those turkeys, and deer and puma and bears they like to shoot sure must put up some mighty defence.


I bet they're a fun thing to have - even you'd feel a bit of bad ass with one at range or something controlled - I know I would. But it's whats happens when it's not controlled that's the problem. Problem is Americans don't see the connection.

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thats just a shocking attitude tbh, we're not talking about people in warzones or on dangerous trips to try and better themselves we are on about kids, in supposedly one of the most civilised countries in the world, kids in their OWN houses and schools. in susposed peaceful times being gunned down, and all you can do is bah hoo sucks Oo


That's the trouble with some of the English. They see a country that shares a common language and then think it must be similar to Australia or New Zealand well it's not. Its a big mix of cultures, customs and ethnics and the Anglo-Saxon nature of self restraint, respect and obedience to authority isn't always in evidence.


Many Americans see government and authority as a bit of an enemy and to be somewhat suspicious of..

Obviously very few on here get it


Australians to a little lesser extent are the same. I saw a movie once with a story of Gallipoli and the Aussies who took part in that battle.

Two British officers were disgusted at what they saw as the lack of discipline among the Aussie O.Rs


"I really cannot understand these colonials" one said to the other "they are undisciplined, sloppily dressed and only salute the officers they like" :hihi: :hihi:

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Anyone who maintains that gun control can't happen is a spineless scardey cat.


If they can abolish slavery they can abolish ownership of man toys.

They had to have a civil war before they abolished slavery. And slaves were generally in favour of slavery being ended. Guns don't care one way or the other.

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Its a big mix of cultures, customs and ethnics and the Anglo-Saxon nature of self restraint, respect and obedience to authority isn't always in evidence.







So it's the fault of the blacks and those hot blooded latinos when white guys shoot up a cinema full of people or bomb a local govt office :loopy:





In fact that is so funny I might quote you as my new signature

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So it's the fault of the blacks and those hot blooded latinos when white guys shoot up a cinema full of people or bomb a local govt office :loopy:





In fact that is so funny I might quote you as my new signature


What are you rattling on about? I thought all the smoke and soot was gone in Sheffield so what's fogging up your brain box ? :D I made no mention that whites never carried out shootings. My meaning was that while English people are generally submissive to authority Americans are in many cases not

Edited by Harleyman
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Can someone in favour of banning guns in the US explain how they see it playing out in their minds? Something like government bans guns, everyone hands in their guns to be destroyed, no-one smuggling guns into the country afterwards to sell? So no shootings after the ban day, ever. Surely even the most naive person coudln't think that. So once you establish that it's just a matter of how much resistance, not if there would be any.

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Can someone in favour of banning guns in the US explain how they see it playing out in their minds? Something like government bans guns, everyone hands in their guns to be destroyed, no-one smuggling guns into the country afterwards to sell? So no shootings after the ban day, ever. Surely even the most naive person coudln't think that. So once you establish that it's just a matter of how much resistance, not if there would be any.


Hundreds of thousands of masked Gendarmerie wearing bullet proof black uniforms and helmets descend on neighbourhoods all over the country in unmarked black choppers and split up into teams. One carries a sledgehammer the rest are armed with military assault weapons. If doors are not opened immediately the sledge hammer is used, Houses are ransacked in search for weapons, large trucks are on hand to take them away.


Meanwhile in Washingto the one eyed President Kim Il Junk dressed as usual in a black tunic and trousers, clutching all white pet Persian cat and surrounded by fifty of his karate trained bodyguards tells the nation that "gun crime as we know it is finally over"


Leaders of the NRA are lined up and publically executed on Pennsylvania Avenue in time for the 5 o'clock news, their heads spiked and displayed outside a Walmart Store a block from CIA HQ.


The Rev Art Himmler of the Westboro Church leads the Capitol Hill Peoples Choir in a rendition of Kum-by-Yah

Edited by Harleyman
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Hundreds of thousands of masked Gendarmerie wearing bullet proof black uniforms and helmets descend on neighbourhoods all over the country in unmarked black choppers and split up into teams. One carries a sledgehammer the rest are armed with military assault weapons. If doors are not opened immediately the sledge hammer is used, Houses are ransacked in search for weapons, large trucks are on hand to take them away.


Meanwhile in Washingto the one eyed President Kim Il Junk dressed as usual in a black tunic and trousers, clutching all white pet Persian cat and surrounded by fifty of his karate trained bodyguards tells the nation that "gun crime as we know it is finally over"


Leaders of the NRA are lined up and publically executed on Pennsylvania Avenue in time for the 5 o'clock news, their heads spiked and displayed outside a Walmart Store a block from CIA HQ.


The Rev Art Himmler of the Westboro Church leads the Capitol Hill Peoples Choir in a rendition of Kum-by-Yah



Alternatively, just hand them in or get them licensed at the local police station. :rolleyes:



Your life isn't the latest edition of Die Hard. The NRA leader idea is interesting though.

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Can someone in favour of banning guns in the US explain how they see it playing out in their minds? Something like government bans guns, everyone hands in their guns to be destroyed, no-one smuggling guns into the country afterwards to sell? So no shootings after the ban day, ever. Surely even the most naive person coudln't think that. So once you establish that it's just a matter of how much resistance, not if there would be any.


No one has suggested that the US ban guns. The suggestion is that their sale and use be better regulated.

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