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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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You've been given a solution, it's called gun control. Really it's not difficult to do. You make it so that people need to have a good cause to licence firearms, and you licence EVERY firearm. Contingent on that is that you MUST have a secure cabinet to store them in that is inspected, and you must store ammunition separately. Otherwise, no licence.


All firearms must have serial numbers, and those for sale in the US must be declared to the ATF. If they are sold and fail to appear on a firearms certificate within a very short period of time you know where the black market firearms are coming from - so start look at that company.


Tax the sales of firearms to fund it, and to make it somewhat expensive to buy new, which helps in the next part...


Not licenced? Take it off them and destroy it. Make it a requirement to carry the firearm licence. If a firearm found and no licence produced at that point - confiscate and destroy it. Hit people in the pocketbook.


It'll take a while for sure, but you will see the number of firearms fall. Criminals will still have them of course, but the supply of legit ones will dry up and they will have to run guns across the Mexican border - and I hear you are building a real big fence already.




Whilst we are of course thankful for our allies who gave the last full measure of devotion, lording it over people like that is never going to win you friends. The Empire stood alone in the world against the Germans for a good year or so defying Hitler to break us in our island, and he never managed to - apart from a certain speech by Winnie it's not something that we need to toss about that much.


Why the US seems to think it has a monopoly on saving the world in the 1940's I'll never know, but every time it gets trotted out, every Briton who hears can't help but think the speaker is being just a bit pretentions and self aggrandising. So please stop. We will think much better of you if you didn't indulge in such self puffery.

It is obvious to me that you were not around at the time, but I was. Most GIs were welcomed not as conquering heroes, but as young people willing to give a hand. They were mostly disliked by youths who had somehow managed to dodge the fighting,and who were of the "oversexed, overfed, overpaid and over here" complainers. Perhaps you might have been one of them, had you been there.
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It is obvious to me that you were not around at the time, but I was. Most GIs were welcomed not as conquering heroes, but as young people willing to give a hand. They were mostly disliked by youths who had somehow managed to dodge the fighting,and who were of the "oversexed, overfed, overpaid and over here" complainers. Perhaps you might have been one of them, had you been there.


You've er like already replied to that a few weeks backj. Look up if you havent remembered yet..


Taking your points in order though.


1. I don't give a flying crap about what you think about the GI's and their representation. That wasn't the point being made as you well know. So please stuff your strawman out the way.


2. It's irrelevant if I was involved in the fighting or not. It's even more irrelevant if I was old enough or not. Since I have served my country it's equally pointless and insulting to accuse me of dodging the draft. Please stuff your second strawman somewhere else.


3. Are you going to answer the points made or just sound off in the typical manner of an overbearing Yank stuff full of his own pomposity and ego with a vastly inflated opinion of himself and his country?


---------- Post added 28-10-2015 at 20:42 ----------


I don't really see how it's relevant to the epidemic of gun murders the USA suffers today.


It's not. It's just sol uncle Buck can feel like he's relevant somehow today and so he can feel a bit superior and smug.


---------- Post added 28-10-2015 at 20:43 ----------


Or maybe make insurance against third party damages compulsory in you're going to own a gun? The insurance companies would soon price people out of the market. :hihi:


I doubt it. I've got £10 million in public liability cover for £32 a year.

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