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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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It took 3 years, Churchill pleading, the sinking of American ships in the Atlantic, the destruction of a fleet at Pearl Harbour, Roosevelt's Infamy Speech, and conscription to get them to Omaha Beach.


You, obviously, have never heard of these.

Isn't this the same thing as people telling America (and us) not to get involved in wars in the Middle-East?

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I doubt it. I've got £10 million in public liability cover for £32 a year.


That's because the chances of the insurance company needing to pay out is very small. However, in the USA it would be an all new ball game and the price may reflect that.

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I'm sure that there are people out there that wouldn't drive a car if it wasn't insured. Would you?


I wouldn't, no. But plenty of people do. And car insurance is established here, if there had been mass car ownership before car insurance was a legal requirement, I think it'd have been much harder to get people to do it.

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  • 2 months later...

It looks like some gun control is needed in Sarah Palin's house.




The day before former Alaska governor Sarah Palin offered her high-stakes, high-profile endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, her son Track Palin was arrested on domestic-violence charges after a fight with his girlfriend, who said she was concerned he would take his own life with an AR-15 rifle.
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