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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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Tightened on which guns? Why? And to what end?


To many unstable people are being given a shotgun licence, ok most kill themselfs but others kill innocent people. Yes other weapons are also lethal, ban them all i say.

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To many unstable people are being given a shotgun licence, ok most kill themselfs but others kill innocent people. Yes other weapons are also lethal, ban them all i say.


When you say too many does that mean that there is an outbreak of criminal or insane acts by owners of shot guns ?

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To many unstable people are being given a shotgun licence, ok most kill themselfs but others kill innocent people. Yes other weapons are also lethal, ban them all i say.


You want to ban kitchen knives, house bricks and cricket bats?

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You want to ban kitchen knives, house bricks and cricket bats?


At least you have a chance of survival with what you mention, try running from a shotgun? Then you have the criminal who uses firearms for the more serious crimes, some stolen from certificate holders. My opinion is, get rid of as many guns as is possible.

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At least you have a chance of survival with what you mention, try running from a shotgun? Then you have the criminal who uses firearms for the more serious crimes, some stolen from certificate holders. My opinion is, get rid of as many guns as is possible.


Clearly it depends how far you are from the muzzle when the weapon is discharged, but a shotgun is a very short range weapon - ten or fifteen feet could make all the difference between life or death.

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That is an interesting proposition. If it is true then as we have no interest in guns, no gun laws are necessary as no one wants to own a gun.



But there has to be a tightening of laws because the Skinz Kontrol Gendarmerie have recently discovered that some individuals have been seen looking at toy guns on display in kiddies stores.


---------- Post added 19-04-2015 at 17:57 ----------


I guess you'd love that, not going to happen as long as you type tripe though. Maybe you just don't like that being pointed out. As for telling individuals where to get off you really do take the hypocritical biscuit, you aim your malevolence at the whole of SF when it relates to anything U S of A. Frustration? yeah when people lie.


I very much doubt that you are in fact British. You tell people to buzz off or eff off if they express any views you disagree with and you reveal your closet racism when you refer to the SF as being a Brits only forum. Strange though that while you disapprove of the likes of me commenting on the subject of British gun laws you feel quite free to post your rants about the NRA which isn't British and is in no way connected with Britain whatsoever.. hypocrite.... comes to mind.


Unless there's been a drastic change in British attitudes and beliefs since I left then I believe that freedom of expression is still very much part of the British way of life.


You on the hand don't even have a clue what that means. You are not really a Brit or at least I hope you're not

Edited by Harleyman
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Should gun law be tightened up ?


Guns should be available to the military and the police and to nobody else - in my humble.


Shooting of clay pigeons and other non living targets may be allowed on a strictly licensed basis and all firearms must remain securely locked on the licenced shooting range - in my humble.


If you enjoy handling long cylindrical objects that spurt when you carress them (almost makes the whole thing sound as if it has a sexual angle doesn't it?) - get the next plane to the nearest war zone - you might not find them so much fun when they're pointing at you. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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