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Should Laws Regarding Gun Ownership Be Tightened Up?

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I think that's what the problem is - not the guns. It's the nutters.

What about nutters in cars? Or psycho nutters in pubs with fists?

Or psycho bus drivers?


---------- Post added 20-04-2015 at 13:54 ----------


Just looked at 41 - you suggest something needs to change - what is the quantifiable problem? What do you suggest the government does about it?


I would say that since we had the two main massacre's all them years ago that first tightened up the gun laws things have changed. From what i read and hear people bragging about, ilegal guns can be bought quite easy now. It seems almost as easy as buying drugs? I cannot say how the goverment would control this ilegal influx of guns, it is a difficult situation. I know its not what the OP means but we must also consider all the aspects of gun control.

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Changing the gun laws regarding legal ownership was never likely to have a large impact on illegally held firearms. The main source of illegal firearms in the UK has never been from legal ownership.


Side note - where is the OP, they posted this topic and then have been entirely absent. They haven't even clarified why anyone might think that gun laws need further tightening.

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Should gun law be tightened up ?


You can tighten gun laws in the UK all you like but criminals and gang members will still obtain them and they will still obtain bullets and will still have the ambition to use them.


Gang culture and the likes care not for laws.


Tightening gun laws will make no amount of difference for the 'ordinary' British folk who have no desire to own a gun. It will only affect those that actually DO want a licence.

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Actually no, it's remarkably effective and unlike other forms of control it doesn't catch the wrong species.




At 3000 quid per badger I think it might not be that effective.


And how many bunnies or rats do you think you could kill in a session? A shotgun would tend to limit your catch to one at best as its pals would all run away after the first whopping big bang.!! And if you were using bullets - even with a silencer fitted you'd still only get one at best - as the little critter's ears are sensitive enough to hear the shot - silenced or not.


Haven't you heard of the vast number of people who have been shot by their comrades whilst out hunting? Methinks they might have caught the wrong specie.

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At 3000 quid per badger I think it might not be that effective.


And how many bunnies or rats do you think you could kill in a session? A shotgun would tend to limit your catch to one at best as its pals would all run away after the first whopping big bang.!! And if you were using bullets - even with a silencer fitted you'd still only get one at best - as the little critter's ears are sensitive enough to hear the shot - silenced or not.


Haven't you heard of the vast number of people who have been shot by their comrades whilst out hunting? Methinks they might have caught the wrong specie.


I can only conclude you've not been shooting much.


With a shotgun yes the rabbit field does empty fast. But they come out again in a few minutes.


With a silenced rifle you can shoot them and drop them dead in front of their rabbity friends and they dont even move out of the way. So you shoot the next one and then the next... like fish in a barrel.

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I can only conclude you've not been shooting much.


With a shotgun yes the rabbit field does empty fast. But they come out again in a few minutes.


With a silenced rifle you can shoot them and drop them dead in front of their rabbity friends and they dont even move out of the way. So you shoot the next one and then the next... like fish in a barrel.


You're right - I've never felt the need to kill innocuous wildlife - I've always left that to other 'lower life forms' and of course - creatures that have to kill to survive - I like to think that I don't need to affirm my manhood by senseless slaughter.


It must be so rewarding for you to kill such fearsome animals especially ones so exceptionally elusive as rabbits apparently are. :)

Edited by Slikkwiver
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You're right - I've never felt the need to kill innocuous wildlife - I've always left that to other 'lower life forms' and of course - creatures that have to kill to survive - I like to think that I don't need to affirm my manhood by senseless slaughter.


It must be so rewarding for you to kill such fearsome animals especially ones so exceptionally elusive as rabbits apparently are. :)


As thought - you've no idea on what hunting invovles but you come on and pontificate all about it like an expert...

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You're right - I've never felt the need to kill innocuous wildlife - I've always left that to other 'lower life forms' and of course - creatures that have to kill to survive - I like to think that I don't need to affirm my manhood by senseless slaughter.


It must be so rewarding for you to kill such fearsome animals especially ones so exceptionally elusive as rabbits apparently are. :)


its not senseless slaughter, in a lot of cases its farmers that welcome shooters on their land to keep the population down of rabbits, pigeons that destroy crops etc and to get rid of vermin like foxes and rats.

the use or firearms is humane and quick, what would you suggest a pea shooter????:loopy:

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I've hunted rabbits and wild pigs. In the latter case that can be hazardous since they're bad tempered creatures and the hunter could very quickly become the hunted.


I've seen deer come out of the woods in the evenings while staying in Flagstaff, Arizona.

They must be the easiest targets in the world for any hunter. The creatures just stand there even when they see you a few hundred feet away.


I wouldn't have the heart to shoot one and even if I did and my grand kids found out they wouldn't speak to me for six months.


But if I was stranded in mid winter up in the High Sierras I'd kill Bambi and his mother and her mother too just to survive.

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