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The Unit / PoNaNa anyone?


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The Unit...


NY Sushi

Skool Disco (before it changed and went over to Bed then to Corp')


and other such nights.


It was always a bit dirty and the floors were sticky but the place was all rammed full with just nice people and fond memories.




What actually happened to that place? Before 'Element' took it over and it became a home for the shirt / lycra wearing population.

I must say that one of the best nights Sheffield ever had was Phonetics and I'm still sad that that little night had to become no-more as it was a nice little evening of good world music, hip hop and the occassional drum'n'bass session at the end. Memories of running around like a tit and dancing all night long on that oh-so-small dance floor. Back in the day when 5 bottles of Carlsberg used to get me drunk.


All the best,


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Sophie Sophie...


Re: Phon-etics


It worries me...


We spend too much time for men of our age running around putting up posters and handing out flyers and still someone who actually knows the night doesn't know we are on ??? Hehee...either we're doing something wrong or them 5 carlsberg are still affecting u !


Phonetics is still goin strong nearly 6 years in. It's only this year tho that we've got back to some kind of regularity.


We spent 4 and a bit happy years downstairs at Po Na Na. We can now be found upstairs at The Room (used to be known as the Fez Club, upstairs from Po Na Na) on a fortnightly basis. We are on this Saturday. Music policy is still varied with a bit of everything thrown in - the worldy music vibe is still represented - check out SOIL & PIMP SESSIONS a Japanese hardcore jazz dance group on 29th April. The Hip Hop is still there - we had KLASHNEKOFF last month amnd this month a big UK talent - Micall Parkinsun. Now we go later - 11pm -4am.


U can still get a few cheap beers and you can still run around like a tit if you want to.


I always dutifully inform the public of our evenings of dancing on the Notices and Events bit of this forum. Or join our email list and you'll never have to ask again....heheh...


So stop mournin the past.....the future's bright...the future's not alright...etc...etc...

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