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Whats to stop strikes happening over breaking the law.

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I think you may have this the wrong way round. Not many UK companies welcome trade union representation or works councils which include worker representation. In fact, they actively discourage any worker involvement in decision making.


And nor should they seeing as unions are nothing but trouble causers who exist solely to try and hold business to ransom with ridiculous demands.

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The right are getting desperate now. Better the 1970s and 1980s than the Victorian years which is where we are heading under Cameron and co. Remind us who was in government throughout the 1980s


Do you remember the "winter of discontent"? is that what you want to go back to?

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Better than sending young kids up chimneys, and what about the winters of discontent since 2010?


What discontent ?


No discontent for me , im doing fine under this government , in fact im actually in the process of buying another rental property.

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What discontent ?


No discontent for me , im doing fine under this government , in fact im actually in the process of buying another rental property.


Also the recession we are all in wasnt just caused by banks making incorrect lending decisions but also the people that borrowed money they couldnt afford to pay back but this doesnt fit the left wing model of blaming the banks for everything and its never an individuals fault for being silly and borrowing money they cannot afford.

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