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Tory Chairman accused of duplicate wiki accounts

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I see Michael Green / Grant Schapps at it again! Probably where Xenia/Ballista /Alan Ladd got his inspiration from :hihi:


They can certainly pick their Tory Chairmen can't they? After all Jeffrey Archer was something of a fantasist as well - not that it made him a better novelist though.

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I see that Tory HQ are outraged at the suggestion that Schapps would do such a thing:


“This Guardian smear is categorically false and defamatory. It is untrue from start to finish, and was quite likely dreamt up by the Labour press office. Sadly it is typical of the smears coming from those who would rather not debate policy and substance.”


However, Schapps has form for this sort of thing - in 2007 he pretended to be a disconsolate Lib Dem supporter:


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I see that Tory HQ are outraged at the suggestion that Schapps would do such a thing:



Surely this is a sacking offense, if true, it is defamatory if untrue and the newspaper needs taking to court.

If it does not get taken to court, I would assume it to be true.

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I see that Tory HQ are outraged at the suggestion that Schapps would do such a thing:


“This Guardian smear is categorically false and defamatory. It is untrue from start to finish, and was quite likely dreamt up by the Labour press office. Sadly it is typical of the smears coming from those who would rather not debate policy and substance.”


However, Schapps has form for this sort of thing - in 2007 he pretended to be a disconsolate Lib Dem supporter:



Didn't he also employ some high powered London lawyers to pursue a constituent who pointed out his duel personality? Oh, yes, he did!

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