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Gaddafi, Hussain and Assad?

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I have to agree with you. Unpleasant as they were/are they did seem to be able to keep a modicum of control over these people, albeit by pretty unpleasant methods.


Most of the populace of these countries did seem safer.


I wonder what Katie Hopkins thinks? :hihi:

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Is it now getting clear that not only Iraq ,Libya ,and Syria as well as the rest of the World where better of with the despots in charge than they now are with the spread of Islamic terror gangs .


Hard to say looking from the outside in.


Maybe those that were tortured and killed by those despots may have a different opinion.

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Is it now getting clear that not only Iraq ,Libya ,and Syria as well as the rest of the World where better of with the despots in charge than they now are with the spread of Islamic terror gangs .


For me there is no doubt that a world where Gaddafi, Hussain and Assad do not have the fate of millions in their hands is a better one. The problem of lack of leadership doesn't stem from not having a brutal dictator in charge, in comes from the leaders who overthrew the dictators making a complete balls up over what they did next.

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I said this the day they killed Gaddafi I believe 100% that the countries that you mentioned would be much better off it they hadn't killed them they kept there people under control and yes they used brute force but it worked and those countries were no where near in what they are like now.


I have no idea when people will be safe and able to visit these countries again it is such a shame they had so many historic cities with beautiful buildings and an amazing culture so sad :(

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There's alot of tribal and religious tensions around, it's just a recipe for disaster.


I think a solution similar to the UAE would benefit quite a few areas.


It may be that each of the Emirates are ruled by like minded people and so the UAE can work.


There were certainly different factions with Iraq during Saddam's rule, and he kept dissent in check. I don't know how much was by keeping them all happy and how much was by draconian control. He was also able to wage war against Iran while keeping his own Shia population on side.


---------- Post added 23-04-2015 at 12:55 ----------


Is it now getting clear that not only Iraq ,Libya ,and Syria as well as the rest of the World was better of with the despots in charge than they now are with the spread of Islamic terror gangs .


Yugoslavia, also, from a few years ago. Once Tito was gone, the country split into its constituent parts.

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