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Why do Media Headlines often appear inapproprate.

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You suggest they have "got it wrong". May I respectfully suggest that is merely in your opinion.


There are of course much better examples, the one I gave was valid but there are other cases I'm sure we have all seen in the different medai formats that are far more blatent.


Trivia headlines and then later tales of death, destruction, abuse and moral wrongs. That can never be right. But you are entitled to your opinion



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OP, I've looked at both headlines and I really haven't a clue what your point is. Is it that they shouldn't report the deportation story but should report the gas attack story or what?


I'm genuinely unable to see what you're getting at.

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OP, I've looked at both headlines and I really haven't a clue what your point is. Is it that they shouldn't report the deportation story but should report the gas attack story or what?


I'm genuinely unable to see what you're getting at.


I think he's just whinging because he doesn't agree with the stories. Considering his posts on here and his declaration of intention to vote in this election, you can see why

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I will try to make it even more clear for the hard of understanding.


The written media will often front page headline stories that are basically trivia whilst burying inside far more serious stories that can be a serious ans involving deaths.


The broadcast media often have a similar approach by sometimes opening with trivia and then putting the more important news stories later in the programme.


I'm saying when the media does that it is wrong and on reflection often disrespectful.


The examples I gave in the OP were just examples and were not issues I expected anyone to get hung up on because they were only examples. Ffksake.



If you cant follow that then I cant explain further to those that are obviously choosing not to understand.



---------- Post added 03-05-2015 at 14:24 ----------


I think he's just whinging because he doesn't agree with the stories.


Passing a comment because I believe the order and significance the media was ascribing to these two stories was inappropriate


Considering..... his declaration of intention to vote in this election, you can see why


What has my saying that I might vote got to do with this?


There are people who IMHO have far less entitlement that I that will be voting in this election.


As an individual I would in my particular circumstances some might think in the short term be better of with a labour snp coalition government.


Personally I believe that despite some concerns about education and possibly the NHS as a nation and based on their perfomance and actions during their last term in office we would should all nave the sanity to be doing all we can to avoid labour having any power at all. They would borrow money again and the austerity measures we will need to employ next time would just be even harder on everyone.


The more you read about labour the less appealing they are even to those that really do have genuine difficulty understanding.


I have found new informatio about the ward I live in; it is expected that labour unfortunately have a 100% of retaining the seat.


Consequently I will be intending to be spoiling my paper unless any other party rallies at the last minute and stands a chance of puting a stop to labour. I'd even vote for the greens if it would help.



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Take today's Independent (online version)


Headline or first atricle.


The gas attack by German troops 100 years ago today that changed the face of warfare forever



Interesting to some admittedly but pales in significance when compared to this


Home Office ordered to bring back five-year-old boy it deported to Nigeria


I will try to make it even more clear for the hard of understanding.


The written media will often front page headline stories that are basically trivia whilst burying inside far more serious stories that can be a serious ans involving deaths.


You started off by saying that a story about a form of warfare that caused countless deaths is less important than a story involving no deaths.


Then you complain that stories involving death are buried so that stories involving no deaths can be highlighted.


I can see who the hard of understanding is.

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