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Bristol Paedophile Gang on trial.

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Why would they march on the streets of Bristol? The reason they marched in Rotherham was because the abuse was ignored for so long in the name of political correctness and community relations. None of those issues apply here, as far as I am aware the authorities responded as quickly as they could.


I would imagine that life would mean life in this instance. I would hope so anyway.


Are you sure about that? I thought that the march was about demonising the religion of the abusers. That was the message that came across on most of the placards, chants and interviews.


Also, the excuse of political correctness was the excuse used by the people in authority to cover up their negligence and the fact that they knew about the abuse and did nothing, or to be more precise they didn't value the children being abused enough to do anything about it.

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Why would they march on the streets of Bristol? The reason they marched in Rotherham was because the abuse was ignored for so long in the name of political correctness and community relations. None of those issues apply here, as far as I am aware the authorities responded as quickly as they could.


I would imagine that life would mean life in this instance. I would hope so anyway.


But it is a valid point in that it appears that if a group of muslims are paedophiles we start calling for the heads of their religion to apologise and a lot of people start insinuating there is a cultural problem in Islam etc. But as soon as the perpetrators are white no one is calling for the Bishop of Canterbury to make a statement about how Christianity doesn't encourage sex abuse and that you shouldn't judge the majority by the actions of a minority...I don't see anyone asking for a cultural assessment of all white males under 50 to see if there is something wrong with how we are bringing them up.


And before anyone jumps in with the 'well you don't know they are Christians' line, neither do you know an Asian man is a muslim either.


To be honest, I am glad I will never be able to understand this type of crime on any level and life had better mean it in this case and for any others convicted of a similar crime.

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Personally, at the moment, I can't think of what would be an appropriate sentence for such crimes.
I watched a re-run of this documentary on BBC4 last night.


If these guys were to get life without parole and spend their sentence there, that would begin to approach the lower end of the 'appropriate' scale.


Alternatively, I suppose they could spend their sentence in a general prison without any sort of protective or isolating measures in place, and we can just sit and wait to see how long they last.

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I wonder if the EDL will be marching on the streets of Bristol as they did rage against the Rotherham sex grooming gang..and Rochdale....or is that only when the offenders are not white.


The trial was in Bristol but the offenders were from all over the country and abroad. They are sick freaks of nature as opposed to freaks of culture. As such, nobody has ignored their crimes because they didn't want to upset cultural sensitivities.


We really need life to mean life in cases like this.

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